Wersi Oktoberfest UK

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Wersi Oktoberfest UK

Postby Abacus » 21 Oct 2014 12:39

One make festivals are not normally the type I attend (I much prefer a wider choice to listen to) but I am glad I did attend as it was a fantastic event that I really enjoyed.

During the day there were teach-ins and demos of the various instruments as well as mini concerts, with the big shows on the night. (Keep an eye out on the various Wersi sites and Facebook pages for pictures)

Believe it or not on the first day there was also a weirdo walking round with a Yamaha cap on (I think he came from the Fawlty Towers territory) but soon realised it was futile to try and compete with Wersi.

I have uploaded the program here https://app.box.com/s/pcmsdkyqux0lgeouc6ol as well as the latest Sonic Organ brochure here https://app.box.com/s/5h61hd575ckshjk95yii and will write a fuller report (Including my impressions of the Sonic) when I have time over the weekend.


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Wersi Oktoberfest UK Report

Postby Abacus » 23 Oct 2014 18:53

This is the first time I have been to this festival, (I normally avoid single make festivals) and have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

The teach ins started about 11am and finished around 2.30pm and featured Brett Wales on the Louvre, Robert New on the Abacus, Robert Bartha on the Sonic & Louvre, David Dunlap on the Abacus & Scala, Clair Grieg on the Pegasus Wing and Ben Scott Hyde on the Scala, unfortunately due to only having 2 days available it was not possible to visit all the teach ins (Plus a lot was also going on in the shop area) so I focussed on the New Sonic and Pegasus Wing, while at the same time trying not to miss the demos in the shop area.

Clair was using her own Berringer speakers with her Wing and they were a match made in heaven, and sounded much better than the Wersi Vocalis speakers that are normally used. (The speakers also showed just how good the Wing can be (Even though it is Wersi’s entry level model) particularly with someone who knows how to use it. (You wouldn’t think she’s only had it a short time)

The Sonic is currently the most technically advanced Organ/Arranger on the market from any manufacture at any price, however it wasn’t perfect and in my opinion the speakers used for the teach ins and room demos (Wersi Vocalis again) really didn’t show what the instrument was capable of, so if you go to hear one make sure to listen on top quality speakers or headphones, or you will miss out on what’s available. (I will post a general review of the Sonic later)

The rest of festival was as in the program apart from the Saturday afternoon which was Florian Hutter rather than Jon Smith, and on Friday evening when the Galaxy was not operational, (They managed to get it going for Sundays Blankety Blank though) but Florian still gave a great performance on the Spectra which went on till about 2am in the morning. (As did Claudia Hirschfeld on the Saturday)

All the artists gave top notch performances but when Robert Bartha was about to play the Sonic there was a loud crack, as for some reason the bench broke, also Brett Wales performance on the Red Bagpipe emulator (You had to be there) in the late night bar was also a notable highlight. (Think we may have found next year’s Britain’s Got Talent Winner)

Hope you enjoyed the report.

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Re: Wersi Oktoberfest UK

Postby Abacus » 24 Oct 2014 19:22

Here is a link to pictures taken at the event http://www.wersiclub.co.uk/wdoktoberfests.html


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