Bad Sysrem32

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Bad Sysrem32

Postby Carloss » 28 Mar 2020 22:46

Dear Tierce friends. Problems of the last days: no phone, no internet signal, confined at home, etc ... but the worst of all was that today, my computer gave a bad System32 function??? As I do not intend to have contact with anyone, until Covid's situation goes beyond our lives, I will have to wait to post my songs. I continue to listen with satisfaction to the musical gift of each one of you, but I also pray that everyone will be in good health in the face of difficult times and the risks that we all run. (For example, my son is a doctor at the front.) From my iPad.

I didn't know where to put those words.
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Re: Bad Sysrem32

Postby JohnT » 29 Mar 2020 09:05

Hi Carloss. Lovely to hear from you. I hope you and your family keep safe. My wife and I I have been in self isolation for nearly three weeks. There is no golf. I am allowed to go to my allotment but things can change. Family keep in contact by phone (what’s app). So we can see them. They only live a short distance away so if any emergency they could attend. Got plenty to do in house garden. Waiting for a delivery of bedding plants which I ordered on the Internet save going out. Looking forward to getting them and potting them on and keeping them safe in the conservatory. Lots to do.
Keep safe and all the very best. Thanks for replying to the posts on the site. I think people like a response. It keeps my spirits up when I read the replies. Keep playing and hope we hear from you soon. John
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Re: Bad Sysrem32

Postby Rev Tony Newnham » 29 Mar 2020 09:40


It seems there's an epidemic of computer problems. This laptop is playing up and is becoming unreliable, and a friend has also had computer problems. I hope you can resolve yours soon. I'm "shielding" as they call it because of several significant health problems that put me firmly in the "at risk" category. Not been out since a hospital visit for a blood test almost 2 weeks ago - but listening to plenty of music, and even managed to record 3 items for "church" - all posted here.

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Re: Bad Sysrem32

Postby Brian007 » 29 Mar 2020 10:15

Hi Carloss,

Sorry to hear your experiencing computer problems these thing always happen at a bad time not that there is ever a good time for computer problems

Yes we are all in this together at the moment regardless of where you live in the world there is not any hiding place from this current pandemic

So stay safe and all the Best, Brian007
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Re: Bad Sysrem32

Postby Hugh-AR » 29 Mar 2020 10:41

Hi Carloss,

Yes, these are strange times. I just hope that this 'social distancing' will do the trick and calm things down. Our son and daughter-in-law who live close by are doing shopping for us .. although most shelves in the supermarket are pretty low on supplies. Our take-aways are still open, so our son has been ordering fish and chips by phone and having it delivered to our house. He then sits in his car in our driveway waiting for the delivery to arrive, sorts out ours and leaves it on our doorstep .. then goes and delivers the rest to other members of the family who live in the area.

Our granddaughter (26yrs), who is manageress of a Subway food outlet, has actually had Covid-19 .. she thinks. She had a very nasty dry cough and a temperature, but of course only those going to hospital are tested. 111 told her to self-isolate for a week, which she has now done. She said after three or four days after getting symptoms (and feeling really rotten) she was feeling much better.

Carloss .. you must be really worried about your son, being a doctor at the front. I hope they are giving him suitable protection, and he has access to testing. They are only just getting round to doing that for doctors and nurses here. So far they have only managed to test patients. So the figures you see for UK only represent those in hospital that have been tested. I'm sure the infections are spreading far and wide in the community.

Stay safe!

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