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Can a song influence your opinion of a place?

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2023 01:29
by barwonfan
Can a great song influence your opinion of a place? I think that it certainly can. I've never been to England, but when I was a teenager I often heard the great Australian baritone Peter Dawson, on the radio, singing "Up From Somerset" We did not own a gramophone,so it must have been played lots of times on the radio Another song often played in Australia during that period was " Green Hills of Somerset" composed by Eric Coates. Wow, those two songs still give me warm feelings about a place I have never visited.
We used to listen, each week to a wonderful English radio program called "The Village Glee Club" and maybe,that is where they played those two songs.
PS. My mother came from Yorkshire and they say that you take in these things with your mother's milk.