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Ufology Stanton Friedman

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2017 18:55
by papadeedee
Stan is one of the most credible researchers in this field. It is because of his like that I don't dismiss UFOLOGY out of hand. Edgar Mitchel and Gordon Cooper (both astronauts) are believers as is ex Canadian Defence Minister, Paul Hellyer.
Problem is, many frauds and liars make a good living from it to the detriment of the work carried out by serious researchers.
There is one good case in point "The Rendlesham Forest Incident" Something strange did happen there but as the years go on and some of the people involved get invited to more and more conventions, write books and make more and more money in the process. It appears to me that their stories get more and more embelished to the point where in my mind at least the event becomes less and less credible.