National savings

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National savings

Postby kens » 29 Jan 2021 11:47

I have small bond and some premium bonds with the gov site NS&I. Tried to access it and was suspended because they no longer recognised the phone number registered with them. I have not changed anything. I have spend 4 weeks and countless efforts to access my money. I wait on phone for up to an hour and eventually get through to staff. Then have to wait for a temporary new password to arrive by post. I enter that password and am advised a phone message will be immediately sent to me where i then have to enter a code to verify its me. I have been through this procedure 6 times now and each time it fails. Their are thousands of complaints on line. It would appear the gov have quietly outsourced this vast operation to a foreign company who are in trouble. Have any of you suffered this ordeal.
Below is a link where they are finally admitting a problem exists. Can you access your premium bonds.? regards Ken S
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