Regitech, Soundforkeys and .....

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Regitech, Soundforkeys and .....

Postby Mike Bracchi » 20 Dec 2012 23:15

I have heard some disquieting news about the above mentioned web-based businesses dealing in registrations and sample packs for the Yamaha Tyros keyboards .... it would appear that it's the same 'old issue' rearing it's ugly head concerning the integrity of the owner of the sites.

The matter seems to be serious enough that some of his customers are now venting their anger at him through various keyboard forums ... this is causing anxiety and uneasiness for others who may have outstanding orders with one or other of the sites.

Please take care if your'e thinking of trading with any of the three web-sites above; and if you do have any doubt as to the honesty of the site owner .... then don't part with your money, I would hate to see any of you loose out ... especially to someone who has allegedly displayed 'opportunistic' tendencies in the past when it come to his business dealings.

This post is without prejudice and is just a word of warning!
Mike Bracchi
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Re: Regitech, Soundforkeys and .....

Postby Pamela » 21 Dec 2012 11:59

Thanks for letting us know Mike, I heard about this on another site... Pam
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Re: Regitech, Soundforkeys and .....

Postby Gillian » 21 Dec 2012 18:46

Hi Mike,
A few years ago I was bitten once (but never again) but now am twice shy!!!!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. Thank you for your friendly, kindly site.

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Re: Regitech, Soundforkeys and .....

Postby Mike Bracchi » 21 Dec 2012 20:40

Gillian wrote:Hi Mike,
A few years ago I was bitten once (but never again) but now am twice shy!!!!


Hello Gillian,

The irony of this is ... the person who seems to have triggered this latest bout of vexation towards Leigh Wilbraham and his 'iffy business' dealings also just happens to be the same person, who over a year ago, dismissed my warnings about Regitech as being somewhat irresponsible.

His reply to my statement had me wondering if I had been unfair and wrong over the matter back then; I made an apology on the forum for being too hasty to misjudge the situation .... it seems perhaps I was too hasty to apologize also :lol:

But yes, we do need to be very careful when buying products off the internet, especially from the 'opportunistic' sellers that seem to be praying on our eagerness to acquire new sounds and styles for our instruments! :wink:

Wishing you a merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
Mike Bracchi
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