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Chord Inversions creating a Bass line

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2021 18:38
by Hugh-AR
I have mentioned Chord Inversions in another Topic, where I use Chord Inversions for getting the harmony I want to hear by using a Left Hand Voice. When I do this I am focussing on the top note of the inversion, and getting this to move about in a 'pattern'.

In this video David Bennett talks about the bottom note of a Chord Inversion ie. what you hear in the Bass.

Can anybody tell me .. how do you force a bass note when playing a keyboard? If you play a chord on a keyboard the bass note it plays is probably the 'root' of the chord, and then it follows the bass 'pattern' of the Style. So how can you get it to play the bass line as C, B, A, G as indicated by the following on the sheet music.


It's easy on the organ. I turn the BASS PART in the STYLE to OFF .. and then play the bass notes C, B, A, G on the pedals!
