Tutorial on setting up a keyboard and playing it

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Tutorial on setting up a keyboard and playing it

Postby Hugh-AR » 30 Aug 2020 14:49

Now I have a Tyros 4 I am doing a Topic on my experiences with setting up and playing it.

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I'm sure that most of what I say will apply to all Yamaha keyboards .. only with the PSR-SX series and the Genos there will be a different way of doing things as these are 'touch screen' keyboards. Not sure about what you can do with Korg, Casio, Lowrey and Roland. Probably much the same but with different terminology.

The best instrument to play is the piano. You just lift off the cover .. and play it! But it does have a sustain (loud) pedal you have to learn to use. Next is the organ. That has an expression pedal. The only thing you have to think about is a change of sound, achieved by pulling out the various STOPS. But then you have foot pedals to have to cope with.

Soon as you start getting into playing keyboards you come across Styles, Voices, Pan (having Voices coming from left or right), Expression Pedal, Sustain, Reverb, Tremolo, Vibrato, Octave, Harmony Echo, Balance (between the various instruments .. and even the balance of the PARTS in the STYLE itself, and whether to have the PARTS 'On' or 'Off'), Glide, Initial and After Touch and so on. The list is endless. So how long does it take to master playing a keyboard and to know all the things it can do? Den says I shall still be posting about what the Tyros 4 can do three years from now!

Whilst looking into how to choose a STYLE for a song I came across something the Tyros 5 can do. You press the RECOMMEND button, play a few bars of your song .. and up comes a list of suitable STYLES to go with what you've just played. And they're 'live' so you can hear what they sound like. Reminds me of when we had a drummer staying at our Hotel, and as soon as he heard me playing something he rattled off about a dozen other songs that would go well with the rhythm I was using. That's experience for you!

What does the 'Recommend' button do on Yamaha Tyros 5?

Can somebody please tell me if the PSR-SX series and the Genos have this? And do any of the other makes of keyboard have something similar?

Another thing I would like an answer to. I have been using the MUSIC FINDER to play I Believe, and this set up an Intro at the start. What I found was that this Intro was very loud .. but once the main Style started the volume was perfect. I do have an 'Expression Pedal' and was able to cope with this when Recording. But here's the question: "How do you turn down the VOLUME of the INTRO .. just the INTRO, not the whole Style (which of course you can do from the BALANCE button)."

It's all about the music ♫ ♪ ♫ Organ: Yamaha AR80 & Keyboard: Tyros 4
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Re: Tutorial on setting up a keyboard and playing it

Postby NativeAngels » 02 Sep 2020 17:40

For me I’ve had my Tyros 4 since 2017 and as each day passes I learn new things and different ways of doing the things I’d already learned.

You could kind of look at an arranger like building a house. You start with your foundation then add to it until you get your house. But then you may wish to expand your house or indeed change your house. This to me is much the same with arranger keyboards.

You get a basic understanding of your Arranger (the foundation) as you learn more and become more proficient you will get to a point where you feel confident on some of the more advanced features. From there you can expand on what you have already learned digging into the more technical functions of your Arranger. (extend your house) or you can re develop what you have already learned by taking a step back and rework what you learned at the first stage.
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