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Creating Registrations For Arrangements

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2020 20:16
by NativeAngels
Good Evening Everyone. I trust you are all well.
When creating registrations it’s good to try and put yourself in the era / genre of the music that your playing. Make a note of some of the instruments that were around at that time. When layering sounds find out which of the instruments for a style of music would be a lead instrument one that stands out. When you add other instruments see how they compliment or clash with the lead sound.

What are your thoughts comment below and let’s hear what you think.

Re: Creating Registrations For Arrangements

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2020 01:33
by barwonfan
I agree with all of the above. especially the second last sentence. I have been collecting styles which have UNACCOMPANIED solo instruments built into one or two of the main variations, but they are hard to find. I have never tried to build a style or a registration--I don't have the skills or the patience to do this. I still have a lot of styles on my USB stick which are, to my ears, just plain boring and repetitive. I should delete them, but won't do that until I become a more accomplished player. [ I have only been playing a keyboard for about 5 years.] And maybe, I need to switch off the ACMP button every now and then whilst playing a style or set up my FC7 pedal for effects. Or maybe, there is something else I am missing.