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Hymns/Songs for 4th October 2020

PostPosted: 02 Oct 2020 14:46
by Rev Tony Newnham

Two of this week's hymns/songs are ones I've recorded previously - the first two are new recordings, as is the "bonus track".

Next a song by Graham Kendrick

This one was new to me when I recorded it a while ago

One of my late wife's favourite songs:-

And the bonus track:-


Every Blessing


Re: Hymns/Songs for 4th October 2020

PostPosted: 04 Oct 2020 12:22
by JohnT
Hi Tony Another enjoyable Sunday afternoon listen..Always like Immortal, invisible and after all these years still remember most of the words. I can understand why your late wife enjoyed the bouncy tune and such appropriate words. The day thou gavest another favourite only the last part the tune was the one we sang to. Was it different chords on the first part. Not that I can tell. Thanks again. All the very best. Keep safe. John

Re: Hymns/Songs for 4th October 2020

PostPosted: 04 Oct 2020 17:58
by Carloss
Dear Reverend Tony, I listened and appreciated the hymns. Each has a unique harmonic quality. In "I do not know what lies ahead", you showed us a joy that was very much appreciated. You make it look so easy to play an organ, with so many independent movements, eyes, hands and feet, each functioning as a vector of itself. Cool to accompany the sound of the bass on the pedals. Top. 8)

Re: Hymns/Songs for 4th October 2020

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2020 09:21
by Rev Tony Newnham
Thanks for the comments.

The version of "The Day Thou Gavest" has references to snippets of the tune in the first part, plus a couple of passages where part of the melody is soloed. That's quite common with what are often called "Chorale Preludes", among other ways of basing new music on an existing tune. All good fun.

Ass to Caloss' comment - I'm pleased I make it look easy - but then I've been playing for over 60 years now if I include my earliest piano lessons! I started playing organ when I was 11 - and that's quite a long time ago too. Like everything else, it's a matter of practice.

Every Blessing


Re: Hymns/Songs for 4th October 2020

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2020 18:31
by Hugh-AR
Thanks Tony for posting your Hymns once again. As Carloss said, you always make it look so easy to play an organ!

I go along with what JohnT says about The Day Thou Gavest Lord Is Ended. I had two Uncles who were Vicars, one at Bexhill-on-Sea and the other at Langtree in North Devon. Sang this in their Churches; and at School in Nairobi, Kenya too (I was in the School Choir). I used to sing the tenor part. Loved singing it. It's such a gorgeous piece of music! The below is how I remember singing it. There is a descant at the end, which is always fun as all the harmony changes.

The Day Thou Gavest Lord Is Ended : The Choir of the Abbey School, Tewkesbury
