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Postby papadeedee » 03 Mar 2017 18:43

Does anyone else have a Kodi box ? I recently downloaded it onto my laptop
and using an HDMI cable hooked it up to my TV
It seems to be legal at present but I don't know how because I can get
just about any movie I want on it plus any tv series , boxed sets etc
Although I don't use it for live TV, I can even get every channel in Britain as well as live TV from all over the world.
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Re: Kodi

Postby Hugh-AR » 03 Mar 2017 23:57

Never heard of a Kodi box. Hope you get some answers as this is worth looking into. Hugh
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Re: Kodi

Postby Mike Bracchi » 06 May 2017 17:24

This was in the newspapers last week .... http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/sci ... g-torrents

Kodi Box shock WARNING - Kodi users to face 10 YEARS in JAIL under strict new UK law ... KODI users could face a long prison term as a controversial new Digital Economy Act gets the green light.

The UK government's Digital Economy Act has finally received royal assent, meaning anyone caught sharing illegal files in the UK could now be imprisoned for up to 10 years.

Until now the maximum jail term for copyright infringement was two years but this has now been increased to a maximum of 10.

Minister of State for Digital and Culture at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport Matt Hancock said: "I'm delighted the Digital Economy Act has become law.

"This legislation will help build a more connected and stronger economy.

"The Act will enable major improvements in broadband rollout, better support for consumers, better protection for children on the Internet, and further transformation of government services."

Although the new bill is mainly aimed at stopping those distributing content illegally, end users could also end up in trouble.

The European Court of Justice has just ruled that streaming copyrighted material for free on multimedia players such as Kodi is illegal.

Downloading pirated copies of movies, music, and television shows has always constituted copyright infringement.

However, streaming the same content was previously a legal grey area.

That's because files that are stored temporarily – like those being created and constantly overwritten when streaming media content online – were technically exempt under copyright law.

This loophole enabled those who sold set-top boxes, like those powered by the Kodi media player software, to promote the easy facilitation of piracy via streaming.

But this week's landmark EU verdict means pirate streams are now on the same legal footing as illegal downloads.

Speaking about devices, such as Kodi, Kieron Sharp, FACT Chief Executive, said: “Consumers need to be aware that devices that allow you access to premium pay-for TV channels without a legitimate subscription, or access to films that are not yet available to rent or buy, are illegal.

“Whilst end users are not a target, they could get swept up in one of our operations and become part of the whole criminal investigation, which could lead to prosecution alongside the suppliers, retailers and importers”

Kodi-style boxes which allow users to stream illegal content straight to their TVs have become increasingly popular over the past few years.

A recent study by YouGov suggests that over five million boxes are already in UK homes and that number is set to grow at an alarming rate.

But Kodi and other streaming services are now coming under increased pressure with many of the UK’s ISPs, government agencies, broadcasters and rights holders joining forces to disrupt the streams being pushed out across the internet.

Speaking about the measures being put in place Mr Sharp added: "You'll be aware of the Premier League case which has led to the blocking of streams by ISPs.

"With these in place what you'll find is the effectiveness of the add-ons within the boxes is being affected and there could be more in the way of blocks in the future.

"Another thing that's really quite important is the legality of accessing the content by the end users and there's likely to be changes there as well.

"If you look at the Premier League case it's clear the judge has stated that accessing those streams is unlawful.

"We also know the government is consulting on changes in the law around this type of activity.

"It's high up on their agenda and I think they realize this is an important issue.”
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Re: Kodi

Postby Westgarth » 22 May 2017 21:25

I doubt very much if Sky is going to start knocking on doors to prosecute Joe Public for using Kodi. They're after the big boys who are selling the boxes. They might have to go after half of China if Ebay is anything to go by. I've been using a Kodi box for a couple of years and I've also had it installed on the laptop. Pressure has been placed on the broadband companies and they have started to cut out users who are using Kodi. I haven't seen much affect on the movies but it is a lot harder to find a decent football stream this year. No jokes about Sunderland AFC please.

The same happened with music downloading last year. This was childs play at one time but very difficult at the moment.

New products are coming on the market all the time, Kodi is old hat already. With the use of Virtual Private Networks they'll never cut this out completely. Friends of mine have packages on their phones which are a lot more powerful and faster than Kodi.
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Re: Kodi

Postby Hugh-AR » 22 May 2017 23:07


Thanks for your input.

Email to a friend of mine who has just put Kodi on his laptop:
You've got me worried now! Brian (papadeedee) had been asking about Kodi, and Mike had put up a post saying that anyone caught using it could face 10 years in prison! Or have I got it wrong about that? Don't want you ending up in prison! Or is this what Donald Trump calls 'Fake News'?

His reply:
Hi Hugh. Its been going on for years and the big push at the moment is because the Football Association are losing money as a result of the streaming of live football matches .. but basically, it's the providers of the boxes and the people that provide the streams they are after.

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Re: Kodi

Postby Westgarth » 31 Jan 2018 21:18

A quick update on the KODI. There's a new kid in town IPTV.

Anyone interested will have to look into the legality of this themselves. At the same time look at the legality of Apple deliberately interfering with a product you purchased so it no longer functions correctly.

I now have one of the Amazon TV sticks, other brands available. I have an app called Smart IPTV which I actually purchased! Broke the bank on this one £5.00.

Purchased a whole years subscription to IPTV for 1 year and broke the bank again. £35.00. (It was advertised for 5 years for £19 last week!)

I now have all the Sky channels, All the sports and more, all the Sky movies and DIsney channels, hundreds of channels from USA, Canada, Italy, France, Poland etc. The picture quality is 10 times better than Kodi.

All the Premier League matches are on which isn't a lot of use when you're in Sunderland.

The good bit is I'm confident my provider will share my subscription between all the satellite companies who make millions and millions in profits every year and ensure my football team can't afford to buy decent players.
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Re: Kodi

Postby Brian007 » 01 Feb 2018 09:34

Hi Steve,

Now that's interesting, Kodi has taken a real battering of late I have just about given up on it, but what you have sounds much better
will have to do some investigating,

All the best, Brian007 :D :D
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Re: Kodi

Postby Westgarth » 01 Feb 2018 21:00

Play your cards right and you can investigate free. A friend of mine asked about it tonight and he's got a free 24 hour trial. He's waiting until the next Everton match so he can give it a proper test. On Facebook he searched for IPTV free trial.

You can't go wrong. Okay it cost me 35 pound and I don't see many Sunderland games. On the bright side I can see all the games that Newcastle get beat in!!! Winning all the way ha ha.
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Re: Kodi

Postby Brian007 » 07 Feb 2018 13:28


Sticking with kodi at the moment , just spent a couple of hours upgrading the repos and its looking good for the time being that is,
we have Sky at the wifes behest, but its only a matter of time before we move onto something else , getting too expensive

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Re: Kodi

Postby Hugh-AR » 07 Feb 2018 15:04

We have Sky Sport. Much too expensive for us. Our son has Sky. But when you subscribe to Sky you get three devices you can put it on. So our son and daughter-in-law have one; we have another; and her Mum and Dad have the third.

Moral of this story: Find a friend who isn't using his/her quota.

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Re: Kodi

Postby Brian007 » 07 Feb 2018 16:59

Hi Hugh,

Never knew that, will have to have a word with the brother in law as hes has the full package ?

So do I just need a sky I.D to to register a device to ?

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Re: Kodi

Postby Westgarth » 08 Feb 2018 22:07

Or get IPTV and pay a little bit more to get as many devices as you need.
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Re: Kodi

Postby Brian007 » 09 Feb 2018 09:19


I am going to give this Sky thing a whirl, as the brother in law has the full package
will let you know how I get on,

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