Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

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Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 04 Jan 2018 18:10

Most of us have mobile phones/iPads/tablets. On these devices, whenever you want to leave what you are looking at there is a 'button' you can press that will take you straight back to the screen you see when you switch the device ON. You can then, from this 'home' page, move on to something else.

You can do something similar with the Forum. Wherever you are, when you are done with what you are looking at/posting, click on Board index. This can be found at the top of the screen, or scroll down to the very bottom and you will see Board index there too. This will take you back to the Index page and you can navigate to somewhere else from there.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 16 Jan 2018 21:03

I was wanting to listen again to Ajay's Sleighride, but couldn't find it anywhere in the Christmas 2017 list. But I knew he had had posted it! Took me a while to realise that there was a Page 2. And there it was, all on it's own. If there had been one more entry my Away In A Manger would have joined it.

Moral of this story: When viewing posts/topics always check to see if there is a Page 2.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 18 Jan 2018 22:56

When you see a LINK in a post, if you left-click it you will leave the page you are viewing and be taken to the LINK page. This is a pain as you no longer have access to the topic you were viewing. And to get back to the page you were viewing you have to click the 'back button', top left of screen.

So instead, do a right-click and choose Open link in new tab (left-click that option). This will put the new topic in a tab at the top of the screen without taking you away from the page you are viewing. You then click on this Tab at the top to view the new topic .. and can go to the page you were originally viewing by clicking on that tab at the top. Toggle between the two to switch from one to the other.

This is particularly important when LINKing to MUSIC, as then, once you have started the music going, you can switch back to read the comments on the music, and even put a comment by clicking on POSTREPLY at the bottom whilst still listening to the music. I have tried to remember to put a comment above each music LINK to remind you to do this.

I have Rev Tony Newnham to thank for putting me right on this one.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 04 Feb 2018 23:44

When you visit the Home Page, look at the icons to the left. A red ring (O) round an icon indicates that there are posts in that Board that you haven't yet read. Trouble is, there will be loads of posts you haven't yet read, particularly if you have just joined the Forum! You will probably get round to reading most of them over a period of time, or at any rate glancing at them briefly, but what about what is going on now, and the new posts that are going up? Best get rid of those red rings right now and when the red rings next appear they will be a good indicator of the 'here and now'.

Go to a Board, eg. the Instrumental Performances Board, and look above the list of topics, on the right. You will see Mark topics read. Click on these words. Bang! Red rings gone. Then the next time anybody adds a comment to a post it will indicate that this has happened by a red ring on the left. So clicking on that topic will keep you up to date with what is going on now. Incidentally, if you haven't noticed this before, when anybody 'Replies' to a topic, it shoots that topic up to the top of the list.

Now go to another Board, eg. Classical Corner. Again, click on those words Mark topics read. Again, red rings gone so you will know when you visit the Home Page when anything new is posted.

Repeat with all the other Boards that you want to mark as "read".

NB. I have just noticed that there is a "Mark forums read" top right of the Home Page, so if you did want to carry out the above for all the Boards, that is the quickest way to do it. Click on that.


PS. If you are a 'Guest' or a 'Visitor', you won't see any red rings on the left. If you are not a Registered Member the 'system' can't tell if you have visited these posts before or not. It doesn't know who you are! So if you are enjoying browsing this Forum as a 'Guest', why not join? You can be a lot more organised with browsing topics if you are a Member. And, of course, have access to all the Boards .. and post Replies, or start New Topics.
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 10 Feb 2018 16:24

None of us are experts at everything, and I have learnt something today. Those 'red circles' I have referred to above only appear on 'New Posts' since the date you joined. All the posts you have not read prior to when you joined have a 'blue' ring. Thanks TerryR for pointing this out to me.

When I first joined TDP I didn't really look at much for about a year, so of course when I did eventually spend some time on the site I had loads of 'red rings' showing .. all those posts that were put up over that year since I had joined. And I couldn't understand why some posts I knew I hadn't looked at had a blue ring.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 24 Feb 2018 19:22

When you visit the Home Page you will see these statements at the top of the page:

View unanswered posts • View unread posts • View new posts • View active topics

I would not recommend that you click on any of these in order to view the Forum. For starters, this is a Forum, not a page of FAQ .. Frequently Asked Questions, with the answers .. for some website or product. Mosts posts in our Forum are 'informative' so it's not surprising if these posts are not replied to. Unread and New Posts might look an attractive way to go as these will be the latest contributions to the Forum. But seriously, if you go this way you will miss out on so much else that may be of interest to you. The whole point of a Forum is that it is organised into 'compartments' (Boards) covering so many aspects of our hobby. If you look at the top of the Home Page we call ourselves the Keyboard Music Forum.

So when you visit, glance at some of the other topics that may interest you, and not just the most recent contributions. And the most recent ones will show up anyway as 'red rings' on the left, as described above.

Happy surfing!

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 07 Mar 2018 10:52

Boards and Topics

When you visit a Board, the 'Default' is for the latest topic activity to show at the top. Then as new topics are posted the older ones get pushed further and further down the list .. and eventually are pushed over to Page 2 etc. The topics with a 'light bulb' on the left are called 'Stickies' and they stay at the top all the time. Don't want these to be relegated to Page 2! And of course, if you 'Reply' to a post in a Topic which is on eg. Page 2 it will immediately shoot back up to the top of Page 1 as the topic is 'active' again.

But when you read a Topic the reverse happens. and the 'Default' is for the latest post to show at the bottom. This is sensible really as a topic is a discussion about something and you will want to remind yourself of what was being discussed before you read the 'Reply' that has been put up. So if you click on a topic with a 'red ring' on the left (the red ring tells you there is something new since you last visited) you will see the original post at the top. You will then have to scroll down to the bottom to read the latest comment (and you can glance at all the other comments as you pass to see what else was said).

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 06 May 2018 10:10

When you are browsing through a long list of posts you may wish to shoot up to the first post to see what was said at the beginning; or to the last post to see the latest comment. If you press the Home on your keypad, that will take you to the first post; and End will take you to the last. You can then click on Board Index, which is both at the top and the bottom, to get back to the Home Page of the Forum.

Out of interest, if you are typing something in a posting box (or typing something in WORD) and wish to get to the very beginning of your document, you can hold down the Ctrl (Control key) and press the Home. To get back to the very end of the document, hold down the Ctrl and press End. Pressing Home or End without the Ctrl will just take you to the beginning or end of the line you are typing.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 16 May 2018 19:55

When you see all those Board Logos on the Home Page which ones do you go for? Maybe the Performance Board so you can listen to recordings Members have put up? OK, but it can be fun just to have a nose about and see what else is in this Forum.

Just to mention a few .. do a right-click to open any of these up in a New Tab :

Nothing serious ...

What's In The Name ... Tierce-de-Picardie?
What are the three pedals for on a grand piano?

Something a bit more technical ...

Stereo .. how do we hear in stereo?
Using AUDACITY for recording
Videos for uploading to YouTube - Windows Movie Maker

Music Theory ...

Repeats in Music Scores

Something lighthearted ...

Fun and Puzzles

Go on! Browse some of the other topics. But don't set out to do it all in one go. You'd never take it all in!

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 22 Jun 2018 22:59

So ...

What do you see on the left when you visit the Forum? A whole load of red rings?




These are indicators telling you there is something in that Board that you haven't yet looked at.
(Sorry, only Members will see this. If you are a 'Guest', how will the system know whether or not you have looked at it?)

When you take the next step and click on one of these Boards, another load of red rings.




These are either Topics that you haven't yet read; or, if you have already looked at the topic, there is a New Post in that Topic that you haven't yet read. So go to that Topic, scroll down and read it.

Now what is so good about this Forum is that the "red rings" on a Board will still be showing until you have read all the Topics in that Board. In some other Forums, the 'Red Marker' on the Board disappears as soon as you click on the Board (ie. the system is telling you, "You have looked at this Board now"). Not good enough! I would want to know when I have looked at every Topic in that Board.

That is why I say this Forum is brilliant at telling you what you have / have not looked at.

And another thing about those 'Markers'. If you see a Red Star in the circle (*) it means you have posted a 'Reply' in that Topic. So you then know at a glance which topics you have commented on, and which you haven't.

Lastly, although not particularly significant, if you see 'lines' rising up inside the circle .. it means this Topic has had 9 or more Replies. As I said, not particularly significant.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 10 Jul 2018 01:02

You will have noticed that Brian and I have re-organised the Forum and created several new Boards. In particular, the Boards in the Music Room.
The reason for this is twofold.

    1. If you want to find and listen to a particular genre of music, then a dedicated Board will make it easier to find. If I wanted to listen to a vocal, and it was way down somewhere in the Instrumentals Board, how would I find something? Looking at the Subject Lines in Instrumentals how would you even know if any were vocals?

    2. When you want to Post some music, don't forget to look at the Categories, and if yours fits one of them then please post it in that Board. You may have to make a choice, as if eg. you have played an Instrumental called Patricia (a girl's name), do you post it in the Theme Board or the Instrumental Board? Your choice.

Below are quick LINKS to check out any of these Boards. Click on the Green underlined headings to go there.

Do a right-click to open them up in a New Tab.

Instrumental Performances
'Instrumental Performances' by Members on their organs/keyboards.

Favourite Pieces played by Members
Either a Member's own favourite pieces; or favourite of another Member.

New Challenges
In this section, 'Challenges' will be set monthly. Find the Challenge Month, click on POSTREPLY, enter the name of the song in the Subject line, and submit a piece according to the challenge set, either a new recording you have done, or one you recorded previously.

It is permitted to post something that appears elsewhere in the Forum.
And it is also quite OK to post a song somebody else has already posted. We all play differently and it is always interesting to see how somebody else has tackled the same piece.

Your contribution will appear on its own dedicated page, and Members will be able to post comments as 'Replies'. The previous 'Challenge Board' didn't work like this as posts were all on a 'Timeline' and it was difficult to post a comment.

At the end of the Challenge period (1 month) you will have the opportunity to vote for the ones (up to 3) you liked best. We would like as many Members as possible to Vote in the Challenge .. you don't have to have contributed to the Challenge or made a comment in order to vote.

Vocal Performances
The Title says it all. Vocal Performances by Members.

Classical Corner
This is where to put any "Classical" pieces you have played.

Religious Music
'Religious Music' played by Members on their organs/keyboards.

Own Compositions
Interesting to say the least. How may of you have composed your own song? And how did you go about it? Please post in here.

We hope that when you visit the Forum you will visit all these Boards and listen to the music that has been put up. Not just the Instrumental Performances!

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 Jul 2018 08:36

When you visit a Topic you may find that the discussion is quite lengthy (the longer a discussion goes on the longer the topic gets!). Remember that you can always jump to the start of the topic by pressing Home on your keypad; and to the end of the topic by pressing End on your keypad.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 29 Sep 2018 11:16

When you visit the Forum, check that you are Logged In. If you are not logged in you may not realise as there are several Boards that non-Members can view, and you may be doing just that. Viewing the Forum as a 'Visitor'.

To check whether or not you are Logged In look over to the top right. It should say Logout [your USERNAME here]. If you click on this it will Log you Out of the Forum. But our advice is for you not to do this, then next time you visit the Forum you will be automatically logged on.

Also, if you scroll down the page when visiting a Board (ie. not the Home Page) and look over to the bottom left of the page it will tell you what you can and can not do.

If you are logged in you should see this:

You can post new topics in this forum
You can reply to topics in this forum
You can edit your posts in this forum
You can post attachments in this forum

.. and if you are not logged in you will see this:

You cannot post new topics in this forum
You cannot reply to topics in this forum
You cannot edit your posts in this forum
You cannot post attachments in this forum

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 03 Dec 2018 00:54


When you visit the Forum you will be on the Home Page. What is the first thing you do? Whatever that is, what you should do first is to glance top left of the Home Page ... and you should see this:


It will probably say "0 new messages". This tells you that you no one has sent you a Private Message.

But if you see this:


...it means that someone has sent you a message (there may be more than 1).

Click on the words 1 new message and you will be taken straight to your Inbox where you will be able to read the message you have been sent.

Go on ... just glance at the top every time you visit the Forum. The number of times I have sent a PM to somebody and it's just sat there for weeks ! ... despite the Member concerned having visited the Forum during that time. If it isn't picked up, I eventually have to DELETE the message.

Only takes a second to look!

Obviously only Members will see this. So if you are a Member and it doesn't show this .. then you are not logged in!

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 18 Dec 2018 22:51

Listening to Soundcloud tracks

When seeing a Soundcloud track in the Forum you will notice that there is an 'Embedded' LINK (with the 'orange' marker to click on) and a direct LINK to Soundcloud over the top. Don't click on the direct LINK over the top. Instead, click the orange arrow on the Embedded LINK. And when you have done that, the piece will play 'through' the Forum. And don't click anywhere on the Soundcloud Logo. That will send you off to listen on the Soundcloud website.

Why not? Well, if you listen to one of these tracks directly on the Soundcloud website it is immediately followed by another track by somebody else that has no bearing on what you were listening to. Here are some of the comments from the Soundcloud Forum about this:
How do I disable Soundcloud from automatically playing "related tracks" at the end of a playlist? The tracks it chooses are not related at all.
So I am discovering. Seems that many musicians are abandoning Soundcloud for this reason.
This is the WORST part of Soundcloud I've ever seen. I embed MY music on MY website ... and next track is totally unrelated and NOT MINE!
You MUST allow us to disable this feature. There's a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE song that always follows mine. It hounds me like the plague. I need to disable this. PLEASE.
Yes, I have to conclude that SoundCloud's insistence on forcing the ridiculous "related tracks" on all listeners is a fatal flaw all by itself. I have been SO embarrassed when trying to offer my music to a few select close friends, only to have them forced to listen to completely unrelated things. I mistakenly thought that paying for a PRO subscription might rid me of this but dumped that after seeing it made no difference.

Now you know why. When you play one of our Embedded LINKS the tune just stops at the end! Brilliant!
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 21 Dec 2018 12:50

How to control the Volume on the various MP3 'Players'


Click the white arrow to 'Play'.


Click the double-line to 'Pause'.


'Hover' the mouse over the loudspeaker symbol for the Volume Bar to show (clicking the loudspeaker symbol will MUTE the volume).


Grab the blue dot on the Volume Bar and slide to the left or right to change the volume.


Click the white arrow in the orange circle to 'Play'.


Click the double-line to 'Pause'.


Volume: You can't directly control the Volume from the 'Embedded' Soundcloud Logo. So click on either the 'Name' of the song, or the Soundcloud LINK top right and you will be launched straight into the song on the Soundcloud Website.


When on this page, look at the bottom of the screen, on the right, where you will see the 'loudspeaker' to control the Volume. Hover the mouse over the symbol (don't click on it or it will MUTE the sound) and an orange vertical bar will pop up. Click on the round blob and drag it up or down to control the volume.


Note: That loudspeaker setup will remain in that spot at the bottom of the screen even when you 'scroll' the screen. ie. it is in a 'fixed' position.


Click the black arrow to 'Play'. There is a 'Replay' symbol on the left and a 'Repeat' one on the right.


Click the double-line to 'Pause'.


In the same line for the above, over to the far right, there is a loudspeaker symbol .. which you can hardly see! 'Hover' the mouse over that and you get .. yes! .. a vertical Volume Bar. Grab the bar and slide it up or down to change the volume. Don't click on the loudspeaker symbol or you will MUTE the sound.


AR Group Player
Usually associated with DEMOS, and is a 'hidden' LINK

Eg. John's Have yourself a merry little Christmas:

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

'Play' is the black arrow, and 'Pause' is the double vertical bars .. but it will play anyway when you go to the page.


Volume Control. Hover over the loudspeaker symbol and a Volume bar pops up to the left of the symbol. Don't click on the loudspeaker symbol or it will MUTE the sound. Grab the black dot and slide it to the right or left to change the volume.


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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 05 Jan 2019 14:24

How to put an Embedded YouTube Video into your post

Get the YouTube video up on screen so it's ready to 'Play' .. if it's already playing, 'pause' it.


Look underneath the video clip and you will see the word Share.


Click on the word SHARE and you get this:


What we need to insert between the two BBCodes for youtube are the letters & numbers after youtu.be/ .. but you can't actually COPY just the letters/numbers and have to Copy the whole string. So click on the word COPY to the right, which will Copy the string to your clipboard (it will momentarily 'highlight' the string in blue as it does it .. and a message will come up to say that it has been copied to the clipboard).

Now go to the post where you want to put the YouTube clip. Position the mouse in the place where you want it to show and click on the BBCode youtube .. at the end over the top of the posting box. Two YouTube CODES will be placed at that point, with the cursor flashing in between.

Using the keypad, press and hold the Ctrl button and press the letter V (Ctrl + V). That string will be inserted between the two CODES and it will look like this:

Code: Select all

You now need to remove everything to the left of that string of letters & numbers. So position the mouse cursor just to the right of the 'slash' of youtu.be/ and 'backspace' until you get to the [youtube] code (ie. stop when you have removed the 'h'). It should now look like this:

Code: Select all

And that's it! Click the Preview at the bottom to see if you have got it right, and then click on Submit.

The below is Brian's Video from YouTube now embedded into this post. Hover the mouse over the picture and the arrow will turn RED. Click anywhere on the picture to play the video.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 07 Jan 2019 12:36

New Tab & New Window

When we have a LINK in the Forum, if you click on it it will open up the page replacing the page you were previously looking at. This can be a pain, particularly if the LINK is to some music as you can no longer read the posts you were reading. Then after you have viewed the LINK page you have to press the 'Back button' top left. And if you don't do that, it is a nightmare trying to find what you had been looking at before as you would have to go through the rigmarole of trying to find your page again.

So what we suggest is Do a right-click to open the LINK up in a New Tab. We try to remind you by putting this statement above a LINK, but if we don't, do it anyway.

When you do that right-click, you will see several options to click on (left-click) in that drop-down box. The important ones are the first two .. opening it up in a new tab, or a new window. So what do these two actually do?

Opening in a new tab

When you are looking at something from your browser, there is a TAB at the top showing you what is on that page. By using this option you are adding another 'TAB' to the ones you already have, so this means you can click on any tab and flit from one page to another. In this example below you can see that a Listen - Community keyboards TAB has appeared ready for you to click on.


Opening in a new window

If you choose this one it will run your browser program again (so you get two browsers up) and show your LINK as just a single TAB at the top. So you can't now just flit from one page to the other.


So where has your original viewing page gone? Well, I did say that you have two 'browsers' running, and you can access either by hovering over the Browser icon in the TaskBar at the bottom. Left-click the mouse on the one that you want.


Nothing like as neat as having the two tabs at the top of one browser.

Note: All the above is a quirk of phpBB Forums (which ours is). Most other Forums (eg. SMF - Simple Machine Forums) just open the LINK up in a New TAB anyway when you do a left-click on the LINK.
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 03 Feb 2019 11:34

Don't forget that when you click those LINKS to listen to music stored in Box (ie. a BoxLink), if you do a right-click and choose Open in new tab then you can switch between the music page and the original topic to continue reading the comments (and even to post a Reply) whilst still listening to the music.

Another time when it's a good idea to open a LINK in a New Tab is when you are reading something and the LINK is a cross-reference, sending you off elsewhere. Once you have seen that, you would want to carry on reading the original topic from where you were. So don't go back to the Home Page by clicking on Board index or you will lose the plot! Click on the 'Old Tab' at the top to get back to the topic you were reading.

I appreciate that you will only be able to Open in new tab on Computers and Laptops, as iPads, Tablets and Mobile Phones don't have this option of doing things. In this case you will just have to go there, and afterwards press the 'back' option to get back to what you were originally viewing.

I have heard from Member Max the Icie Owner who says it is possible to open a LINK up in a "New Tab" on iPhone, iPad and Android.
Press and hold down the link until a white box pops up to the side (it might take a few times to get the finger placement exact); it should have different options, like "Open", "Open in new tab", (on my iPad) "Add to Reading List", "Copy" and "Share".

Unfortunately, it would appear that in this situation you haven't actually got two pages open at the same time, so if you go to the original post the music stops.
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 11 Feb 2019 17:13

There are several new Categories and Boards now as we are trying to keep like-minded topics together. So when on the Home Page, if you click on a LOGO you may find you have another selection of LOGOS to choose from. But you can also click directly to get to a board within that Category by clicking on the word descriptions underneath.

So in Playing Tips you can get directly to those six boards (they call them Subforums) by clicking on their descriptions underneath.


Community Notice Board has three Subforums.


Using Computers has two Subforums.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 14 Feb 2019 10:53

This is for Members. It's regarding the 'red rings' on the left ( O ). These tell you that there is a topic or post in that board that you haven't yet read. These are not visible to 'Visitors' as the System doesn't know who you are! So Visitors will not be aware of where to look for new topics or posts that have been put up since they last visited (if you are one of those, why not join the Forum? It's FREE.)

When you visit a board and see a whole load of red rings but haven't the time to look at all the topics, then you can remove all those red rings in one fell swoop. At the top of the board (on the right) you will see the words Mark topics read. Click on that and the red rings will be gone. Next time something 'new' is posted, one red ring for that topic will be there next time you look.


I mention this because ...

I re-organised some of the boards and in the Community Notice Board I set up a new board called Clubs & Societies. Thing is, the topics I put into it were all 'old topics', but because it was a 'New Board' they all showed up as 'red rings'. And I didn't want to read all those topics again! So just clicked on Mark topics read and all the red rings were gone. Then next time JohnT puts a post up about one of his clubs it will show up as a red ring .. and it will be the only red ring in that section.
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 Jun 2019 17:57

Using the Search facility

At the top right of the page you will see:


Put in some words you wish to search for. In this example I have used true, love and ways.


Click Search. With the way I have typed these words I will get posts that have either true, or love, or ways, or two of these, or all three of these. So it will show ones like the below, as well as those with True Love Ways (which is really what I was looking for).

.. absolutely love the range of sounds. I have one Leslie specifically ... to the Hammond sound that's in your head. True, the XM1 was ..

But if you put your search words in "Inverted Commas" then your search will come up with only posts that have all of your words in .. True Love Ways.


As in this Search Result below:

.. have a go at True Love Ways, which was my entry for the August Challenge ..

Note: For it to 'search' the whole Forum it is always a good idea (in any Forum) to carry out your Search from the Home Page. Otherwise it may just Search in the Board you are in.
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 08 Jul 2019 11:45

This is just a reminder about looking at all the things going up in the Forum .. if you have time to do it! And this includes topics you may think you are not interested in .. like Multitracking :roll: :roll: . Even if you are not interested in doing this yourself it is worth reading about how those that are interested go about doing it, and why they do it. And listen to some of the DEMOS.

This is a MUSIC Forum, so there are topics about MUSIC in general as well as 'Performances' by Members. ie. The Forum is not just a JUKEBOX for playing music! And also, we are not really a Forum for answering questions about specific instruments. We cater for all types of organ and keyboard and none of us are experts on any particular instrument. So if you have a specific question to ask about your keyboard then best to ask it in a Forum that is specific to your instrument. There is a page of LINKS to take you to other 'specialist' Forums where you can ask your questions, here (it's called WEBLINKS):

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

As I said, this Forum is about music in general. And if you know anything about any of the topics that are going up please do join in and add your penn'orth. Either to add something to what is being said .. or even to disagree with it! There are several Members who make very valid observations about topics that are put up, and their comments are really appreciated.

Happy surfing!

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 19 Aug 2019 17:43

'Replying' to a Topic in the Forum

Obviously the below only applies to Members. If you are not already a TDP Member, why not join us? Then you too will be able to join in the discussions.

When you look over to the right of a Post, just above it you will see some symbols, one of which says "QUOTE, and if you hover your mouse over it it says Reply with quote.


This isn't where you want to go when you do a Reply in the Forum or you will 'start' your Reply with everything that has just been said. If you look either above or below the post, on the left, you will see:


If you click on one of those POSTREPLY it will set the box up ready for you to put your 'Reply' into without starting it with the original text of what was said.

There is more about 'Replying' to Topics in the Forum How To ...

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 22 Sep 2019 10:53

Getting confused as to what you have already looked at in the Forum and what you haven't? Best to reset the Forum and tell it that you have read all the topics (even if you haven't). Then anything put up from that point on will show up as a red ring on the left of the Home Page.

Resetting the 'markers' to blue

When you go to the Home Page the 'markers' on the left have blue rings; and posts you haven't yet read have a red ring. If you click on a red one you can see all the topics you haven't yet read .. also with a red ring. Whether a topic has a blue or a red ring, if you have made a 'Reply' to a topic there is a red 'star' in the ring. The 'markers' on the Home Page will remain red until you have read every single topic in that Board (they call these 'Forums').

If you haven't kept up with it all and the 'red rings' are showing everywhere it's probably best to 'reset' everything. Then new topics/posts will show up with red rings and you can keep track of them. To do this, look over to the top right on the Home Page. You will see the below (but with your Username by the Logout, not mine).


Click on Mark forums read and the whole lot will be reset. Then anything new from then on will show up as a red ring on the Home Page.

Please note: If you are a visitor to the site, all the rings will show up as blue. To make use of the above, why not join us? Instructions for doing this are on the Home Page, at the top. It's FREE to join!
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 22 Sep 2019 17:43

When you want to look at something in the Forum, have a look to see whether the Topic has more than one page. For example, this red ring (see below) tells me that I haven't seen one of the posts in the topic Quick one liner (in Jokes & Humour) which has been put up by Fred (dragon). Now were I to click on the words "Quick one liner" it would take me to Page 1 of this Topic. But Fred (of course) has posted his quick one liner as a "Reply" .. which is automatically added to the end of the Topic. Don't fancy scrolling through loads of pages to find it! But I can see from the below that this topic has 6 pages. So click directly on the number 6 and you will be taken straight through to that last page. Will then just have to scroll down to the bottom of that final page to read what Fred has posted.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 01 Oct 2019 13:17

TDP Challenges & Oldham Community Radio

I'm sure most of you are aware that each month we have a 'Challenge' where Members can enter a piece of music following certain criteria. At the end of the month the Members VOTE on which three entries they liked the best .. and this forms the basis of who the 'Winners' are. These Winners are then featured on Oldham Community Radio. There is an on-line version of Oldham Community Radio going right back to when it started, here:


Winning entries for the TDP June Challenge are featured in the on-line September Edition of Oldham Community Radio.

Click this LINK to view my post and see where the Winners feature in the broadcast.


Note: In order to listen to the Challenge Entries as they come in you have to be a Member of TDP .. although I do make the Challenges available for Guests to view once they have been aired on Oldham Community Radio. And you also have to be a Member to VOTE on which 3 entries you liked the best. So if you enjoy just listening to music, and would like to take part in the Voting (there is no compulsion to submit an entry!) then why not join us? It's FREE. Instructions for joining us are on the Home Page at the top.

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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 21 Oct 2019 23:19

Listening to performances on Box

Sometimes, when I click on a BOX LINK and press the PLAY arrow, although the piece starts playing I don't get the double PAUSE symbol and nothing moves across the time line (there should be a blue line moving across). So I can't see where in the 'performance' I have got to.

This is what I see:


This is what I should be seeing when I press the play:


It doesn't happen very often; just occasionally .. and no rhyme nor reason to it. Is this something to do with Windows 10, I ask myself? Or to do with Box?

The thing to do if this happens to you is to click the very top left of the white time-line and a blue dot will show.


This will then move across as a blue line as you play the piece. The advantage of having that blue line is that you can click anywhere on it and the piece will start playing from that point. So you can go back and listen to a section of the piece again. And as I said earlier, the time clock will change as the piece plays should you wish to refer to a particular place in the performance when you make a comment. Eg. I liked the change of Rhythm at 2:14.
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 09 Dec 2019 12:07

Several Members have contacted me to say that they find the Tierce de Picardie Forum set-up difficult to navigate, and it's not easy to find where things are. This is because this Forum is set up into 'Categories', which are then sub-divided into other categories and Boards. If you click onto a sub-category you will only see what is in that section and will probably lose the plot.

My recommendation when browsing is to start from the Home Page (where all the LOGOS are showing), click on where you want to go, and always move forward (never go 'back'). When you have been looking at a Topic that interests you, scroll to the top or bottom of the page and click on Board Index.


This will take you forward to the Home Page again, from where you can navigate to somewhere else.

Always move forward, never move 'back'. It may take you a little longer to get there, but you won't get lost in all those sub-categories and Boards.

After you have put up a post, you have to move forwards anyway otherwise you will go back to your text box that you have just submitted!
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 21 Jan 2020 00:20

What I find fascinating about a website is that one can include music DEMOS in a topic. This makes a website so much more interesting than just reading about something, as you would in a magazine. We can actually hear the things we are talking about. And of course with a Forum you can interact with what is being discussed too, 'live' (so long as you are a Member). You can't do this with a magazine.

Have a look at these Topics, which have music included:

How to play acoustic instruments authentically on a keyboard in Keyboard Techniques, Voices.
Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

Sounds that work well with Piano in Keyboard Techniques, Voice Combinations.
Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

Interpreting a piece of music you play in Keyboard Techniques, Playing Technique.
Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

Almost every Topic in this Forum has illustrations to help explain something; YouTube music videos; and MP3 Music DEMOS so you can hear what is being discussed.

So much more interesting than a magazine!
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 18 Feb 2021 01:06

I learn about new things almost every day. Talking to Den, he asked if I had spotted the little marker on the bottom right of every post. If you hover your mouse over it, it says Top.


When you click on that little circle with the arrow in it, it does just that. Jumps to the first post in the Topic.

Mind you, pressing Home on my keypad does exactly the same thing. Perhaps if you are viewing the Forum on a mobile you don't have a Home to click on? So tapping that to get you back up to the beginning must be very useful.
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 20 Mar 2021 00:48

I'm sure you have all noticed that YouTube have changed the way in which you view 'Embedded YouTube Videos'. Previously, you had a white arrow on black in the middle of the YouTube rectangle, and when you hovered your mouse over the rectangle it turned to a white arrow on red. Click on the arrow and off you go viewing the clip within the post you are reading.

It still does that, but now there is another option for you to click on, and that is Watch on YouTube. Previously, this option was not available until after you had started the video going.


This is definitely a plus for a Forum like ours, and I personally will be clicking on that from now on. I know it moves you away from the page you are viewing (but the tab for that is still available at the top for you to go back to), but the added bonus is that you can now view any YouTube comments that have been posted underneath .. and see how many VIEWS the video has had to date .. and click on a LIKE button if you feel so inclined.

I have to say that I do like to see what the YouTube video is showing before you click on it. If we just showed the YouTube address we would have no idea what we were about to view.
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 22 Mar 2022 20:19

It is worth noting that one of the advantages of watching an 'embedded' video is that there are fewer adverts to contend with. Those long adverts with a 'Skip' don't appear at the beginning. But you do get those adverts that obscure the screen so you can't watch the video properly. When adverts appear across a video, click the X in the top right hand corner of the rectangle to remove it. Never click anywhere else in the rectangle or you will be launched straight into the advert!
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Re: Hints for when browsing the TDP Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 20 Jun 2022 23:19

In several places in this forum there are LINKS to DEMOS where you can listen to the music directly (I am not talking about Box LINKS here).

Over the top of this type of LINK it always says After listening, click the back arrow top left to get back to this page.

If you want to download the music from one of these LINKS, do a right-click on the LINK and choose Save Target As... which will download the MP3 track into your Downloads folder (unless you have set your Browser up to ask you where you want it downloaded to).

Here is an example of what you see with one of these LINKS. Try downloading it. As I said, do a right-click on the LINK and in the drop-down box that comes up choose Save Target As....

Click the below to listen.

After listening, click the back-arrow top left to get back to this page.
I'd Do Anything (DEMO) from Oliver

You can set your browser to ask you where you want downloads to go.
Eg. In Google Chrome:

Have Chrome Ask Where to Save a File

1. Open Chrome and select the menu icon (the three vertical dots), and then choose Settings.
2. At the bottom of the screen, select Advanced.
3. Select Downloads.
4. Turn on the Ask where to save each file before downloading toggle.




If you don't set this up then you will end up with hundreds of files in your Downloads Folder and have to hunt for the one you have just downloaded.
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