What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdown?

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What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdown?

Postby Hugh-AR » 13 Apr 2020 14:57

What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdown?

Now that we are all restricted as to where we can go and what we can do I'm sure we are all finding things to do to occupy our time.

Of course we all have keyboards/organs so this gives us an opportunity to brush up on our playing skills and maybe try to do things on our keyboards that we have never done before. But what about other things ... ?


If you have been doing something that others may find interesting, please click on POSTREPLY and let us know about it. If you want to add a picture to your post then send it to me 'as is' as an Email Attachment. I'll resize it for you and send you back a LINK for you to 'Copy and Paste' so you can include your picture in your post. Send to hugh@ar-group.org

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Hugh-AR » 13 Apr 2020 15:13

So what have Bronwyn and I been doing? Well, we are very keen on jigsaws and have done two. The first was 1,000 pieces and just a normal rectangular shape; and the other was 1,500 pieces and 'curved' at the top, which made it a lot more difficult. We nearly gave up as we couldn't seem to get it started. These are the two we did ...



Having done them we have passed them on to family for them to have a go.

If you want a go at an on-line jigsaw, then a reminder that I have already put up a post about doing jigsaws.

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Rev Tony Newnham » 14 Apr 2020 09:09


Regular visitors here will have seen one of the things I've been doing - recording music to link with the worship material my church is distributing. That meant re-arranging things in my music room so I could get a tripod in! Apart from that, it's been a case, as much as my health issues allow, of continuing to sort out my late wife's stuff so I can free up space for my recording studio equipment. Beyond that, I'm taking the opportunity to listen to my collection of organ CD's & to start listing them - that's going to take a fair while- then there's stuff on cassette & LP! I've also been doing a lot of reading - but that's fairly normal.

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby lesh » 14 Apr 2020 10:39

Hi All, hope everyone is keeping safe,

My days are usually covered with a morning 2 mile walk then breakfast, watch the morning news followed by look around our small garden hoping to find a job to do, did think about cutting the lawn with a pair of scissors but wife said that’s stupid. A small hedge had to go so hacked away at that, it’s now in a big pile waiting to be cut into smaller pieces ready to be thrown out.
The first 2 weeks of lockdown we got all our photos and slides spanning the last 50 years and sorted into keep and throw away order, so that filled the dustbin for that week.
Wife does the weekly shop for both us and my 90 year old mother so the only weekly car ride for me is a shopping delivery to mother, car at the moment is doing 3 weeks to the gallon.
Wife and I have completed the 4 x 1000 piece jigsaws we have and must be desperate because the Grandchildren’s 50 piece Peppa Pig jigsaw came out last night.

If this lockdown is extended which I think it will the Keyboard will be coming out of the upstairs bedroom and moved into a room downstairs and I have plans to tidy up my sheet music.

Now it's time for Coffee again.

Keep safe and best regards.

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Brian007 » 14 Apr 2020 11:29


Cleaning, and more Cleaning, Painting the fence, washing the car and Dog walking and just things to fill my time in on a morning, then afternoon and early evenings its Keyboard time and then thank God for Netflix

Stay Safe all of you, All the Best Brian007

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby JohnT » 14 Apr 2020 12:09

Hi Everyone. Keeping busy another eight weeks to go unless we are released by the government for good conduct. Day commences with a brisk-walk around the garden and out the front. Then it doing a bit in the garden which is quite big dug out three conifers and filled the wheelie bin but the collections are moved back for a month. So there are quite a few sacks to go to the tip on opening. Waiting for a suitable day to paint the shed and some fencing. Then it’s up to the allotment for weeding, sowing and planting. Got six rows of spuds in and 200 onions plus other vegetables. Need some rain.
The families are using what’s app to contact each other and we have played bingo on it for the last two Sundays. Doing a lot of reading and trying to play the keyboard.
Although the highlight of the week is getting a delivery slot for Tesco’s. Fortunately have one on Saturday and one in two weeks after that unless I can get one in between.
So we are keeping very busy. Keep safe. Keep taking the tablets trust me I’m a doctor. All the very best. John
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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 Apr 2020 00:23

Thanks to all of you who have added your comments.

A puzzle that Bronwyn and I like doing is called SUGURU (the Japanese seem to have had a hand in making these sort of puzzles). We first came across one in a newspaper and really enjoyed doing it. This game should not be confused with Sudoku, which has numbers 1 to 9.

Here is a SUGURU puzzle.


Suguru puzzles are quite different from Sudoku, so read these rules carefully. You'll see that the grid is subdivided into containers or cages (marked by the heavy lines), each of which is 1 to 5 cells in size. You need to fill each container with different digits, counting up from 1.

A single square has one digit, so it has a 1 in it.
A 2-square container contains the numbers 1 and 2.
A 3-square container contains the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
A 4-square container contains the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
A 5-square container contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
The Rules are:
Adjacent (touching) cells may never contain the same number, and this includes diagonally adjacent cells.
That's it!

So, looking at the single square, bottom right, .. that must have a 1 in it.
Looking at the 2, the three squares around it (above and to the left) can't be a 2. So the 2 in that container must be under the 1.
Next, the L shape, top left, must contain the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 (but we don't know where 2, 3 and 4 are). But the cell which is diagonal to the one is abutted by all these numbered cells. So the cell diagonally to the 1 must be a 5.

So at this stage we have got this:


Next, look at the 3. The two cells directly above that can't be a 3. So one of the other two vertical cells in that container must be the 3 .. but we don't know which. So the cell next to those two (the one to the right of the 5 we had put in) can't be the 3. So the 3 must be in the cell below the 5. Then the last remaining number for that container, the 4, must be in the cell next to the 5.

In the top left 'L' container the 4 cannot be above the 4 we have just put in (don't forget that it can't be diagonally to it either), so it must be under the 1.

We now have this:


Next. Look at the right top 'L' container that has the 5 and the 4 in it. The 1 can't be below the 4 because it would be next to the 1 in the corner. so it must be one of the two cells above the 4 .. but we don't know which. So the cell next to those two (the one under the 5) cannot be the 1 as it abuts both those squares. But looking at the other numbers round that cell, it can't be 2, 4 or 5 either. So that cell must be the 3. Then in turn, that sorts out the remaining 2 and 3 in the top row, with the 2 on the right and the 3 on the left. Going back to the 3 we have just put in (under the 5), the 3 can't be either of the cells next to it (to the right of it), so the 3 must be below the 4 (and above the 1 in the bottom right hand corner).

You can also put in another number not connected with what I have explained above. Take a look at the cell diagonally up from the 1 in the bottom right hand corner. This can't be 1; it can't be 2 (it's next to it); it can't be 3 (there is already a 3 in that container); and it can't be 4 (it's next to it). So that must be a 5.

We now have this:


Next, from the 5 we have just put in. The 5 can't be either of the squares adjacent to it so the 5 must be over to the left (above the 3 on the bottom). Then the 4 must be to the right of that as the other cell has 4s adjacent to it. Then in that container, the last remaining number is a 1.

Earlier on we had said that the 1 must be one of those two cells above the 4 in the right hand container, so it must now be in the top right corner. And the 2 must be under it (being the last number left).

I'm sure you can finish it off now and end up with the solution for this Suguru, which is:


I mentioned this puzzle to Den, and he found this website, which contains about 400 books of these puzzles, of varying difficulty. You can download and PRINT them. Check out what you're printing as they give you the solutions as well, which I didn't want. I printed the pages individually so I could turn the paper over and print the back of the sheet as well as the front.

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

The puzzle I put up above is from the KrazyDad Home Page. As these puzzles go, this is actually a fairly difficult one! Hence my difficulty in explaining how to do it (this explanation is my own .. there isn't an explanation on how to do it on the KrazyDad page).


PS .. Comment from me .. an ex Maths Teacher
When children (or grandchildren) have to work at home and can't be at school with their teacher explaining things to them, just bear in mind that something like the above is what they have to cope with . It is much easier to explain something to somebody face to face than to have to put it into words. So if they are doing 'on-line' lessons, just be patient with them. The secret is to do one step at a time, and to assimilate what has been said.
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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby dentyr » 15 Apr 2020 03:01

Easy - cultivating my chronic illness - LAZINESS!!

Well not quite. I have taken on teaching a lady music and keyboard. Last January I gave her one of my CD's. She liked it so much she went out and bought a keyboard at $140. Now I have the problem of teaching by email. I asked her to take a photo of the instrument and it is backwards to the Yamaha ones. The voices are on the left and the rhythms are on the right. To select anything you have to type in numbers. She had NO idea of music so it is start from scratch.
Apart from that there is the house to be cleaned and dusted, meals to be organised, washing to be done, dishes to be washed and some shopping, once a week. Bread to be made every second day and anything else that comes to mind. A trip to the store will be fun I suppose. Then there are the lawns to be mowed. Whow, don’t know what I will do with myself after lunch! Get back into the knitting and somewhere in between try something on the keyboard.

The camel's hump is an ugly lump,
Which well you may see at the zoo.
But uglier yet is the hump we get
From having too little to do.

Rudyard Kipling, Just So Stories

This is just a quick run around my house to see the things I get up to when I am alone.

Regards, Den.
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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 Apr 2020 16:53

I have added more to the post I put up about SUGURU, so go back and take another look.

Coming up soon I shall be posting an explanation (OH NO! .. I hear you say :cry: :cry: ) of a two-pack Patience game I used to play with my Dad. He used to say he could always get it out. Logic again. He was an Accountant. Unfortunately, I can't remember what he said it was called, so I'm hoping one of you may know it. You can look forward to my post with excitement! :roll: :roll:

If you have any comments/pictures/videos of what you have been doing just carry on by clicking POSTREPLY.

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby dentyr » 17 Apr 2020 12:36

I have added a video called "What do I do" to my post above, so go back and take another look.

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby JohnT » 17 Apr 2020 17:00

Hi Den. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. John
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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 Apr 2020 23:37

Another jigsaw completed. 750 pieces. Bits and Pieces Shaped Puzzle. The outside edge of the jigsaw is the coloured picture. Interesting because all the pieces are individually shaped and at different angles.


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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 Apr 2020 23:43

And what have my son's family been doing during the lockdown (apart from shopping for us once a week)?

Dancing at Home Farm

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby dragon » 18 Apr 2020 10:44

Excellent choreography. ( Two words I didn't know I could spell.) .. Fred
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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Hugh-AR » 26 Apr 2020 21:20

Had this from Charles (ChuckH) in Australia.


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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 Jun 2020 01:18

My family at Home Farm have been dancing again, so I have added their new dance routine onto the other two they did.

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby Brian007 » 24 Jun 2020 13:13


As this lock down gradually comes to an end and we are allowed more freedom I wonder where it all went , I have done DIY jobs around the house , learned a lot about using my keyboard and a computer together to create music , I have learned how to binge watch TV shows off Netflix and how to waste too much time doing nothing ?

But probably my biggest learning experience is learning how to appreciate the simpler everyday things in life that we once took for granted

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Re: What have you been doing during this coronavirus lockdow

Postby kens » 01 Aug 2021 10:30

I have been keeping up a tradition my late wife followed. On every first day of the month, and before noon, I say "rabbit". As I am on my own in lockdown this is a bit nutty. It take me back to my childhood when we pinched and punched each other while reciting "a pinch and a punch its the first of the month".
Do any others have a strange quirk, after this fashion? Ken S.
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