Choosing your own Styles and Voices - REGISTRATION MEMORY


Choosing your own Styles and Voices - REGISTRATION MEMORY

Postby Hugh-AR » 05 Sep 2020 18:44

Seems to me there are a few ways of using this keyboard to actually play something.

    1. You can let Yamaha set it up with Voices they think would go well with some of their Styles.
    2. Choose a song from the MUSIC FINDER and again, the keyboard will be set up with a suitable Style and Voices.
    3. You can set the keyboard up yourself for what you want to play, choosing your own Styles and Voices and putting them in the REGISTRATION MEMORIES.

3. Choosing your own Styles and Voices and saving them into the REGISTRATION MEMORIES. Then playing the piece from those.



The Registration Memory currently active is lit up Orange (the User Manual says Red). The Blue buttons indicate that there is something stored in those Memories, and when pressed they will turn Orange and become active. Registration Memories that are Black have nothing stored in them as yet so are inactive.

When setting up your own Registration Memories there is no need to start with them all cleared, as when you store something into a Registration Memory it will over-ride whatever was in there before. But I personally prefer to start with all my Registration Memories blank and don't like to see Blue buttons that are not used in the song I am playing. To me, the number of Blue buttons are a gentle reminder of how many Registration Memories I used for a particular song.

So here are two ways of setting up a bank of BLANK Registration Memories. The first is a neat way of doing it when you turn your keyboard ON. If you hold the second highest note down with one hand whilst turning the keyboard on with the other, it will switch on with a row of BLANK (black) REGISTRATION MEMORIES.
Note from Den: Hello, This is probably the most dangerous way of doing this. Your nail only has to catch on the top white key and the keyboard is RESET. Think about it.

Emptying The 8 Blue Registration Buttons For New Sounds on Yamaha Tyros

Or, there is a second way of doing this. Whichever way you do it, it is a good idea to SAVE your set of BLANK registrations for you to load back when you want to. As he has done in this second video, below. I have named mine 0 BLANK as he has done so it sits at the top in USER. In the picture below I have just SAVED my Registration for True Love. If I now press the button next to 0 BLANK I get a new set of Blank Registrations to start another song.



How to make a blank set of registrations on Yamaha Tyros 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

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Re: Choosing your own Styles and Voices - REGISTRATION MEMOR

Postby Hugh-AR » 05 Sep 2020 18:54

Setting up my REGISTRATION to play Grandfather Clock

To set up a REGISTRATION BANK we need to start with the MAIN page (the one you get when you turn the keyboard ON).


First, press button D next to STYLE. I now need to choose one of the Style Categories on the left of the keyboard and find a suitable STYLE to use. I decided to press the COUNTRY one first and look in there.


I played a chord and went through a selection of 'Country' Styles on the various Pages and chose one that I thought was perfect for what I wanted. This was Country Pop, MAIN VARIATION B.


The 'default' TEMPO for this was 148, which was way too fast for my song. The TEMPO buttons have a + to the right and a - to the left to either increase or decrease the Tempo. If you press the two buttons together it will set it to the DEFAULT Tempo. The 'Default' Tempo for a Style always shows on the screen, together with the NAME of the Style.


I decreased the TEMPO to what I reckoned was about right for my song, which was 116.

Another consideration is if you want to do a 'Drum Break'. To do a Drum Break you have to have the AUTO FILL IN activated. I shall be using this when playing a verse for the second time on the trot with the same VARIATION. Adds a bit of spice and alleviates the boredom of hearing the same drumbeat all the time without a break (pardon the pun!). What you do is to press the VARIATION button that is 'lit' at some point in the last bar, and your 'drum break' comes in where it should do. I can do this with my left hand as I have the LEFT HOLD ON (see below).


Having chosen a STYLE, I now need to choose some VOICES that I think would go well with this song. We can have three Voices to the right of the split (R1, R2, and R3) and one to the left (LEFT). We don't of course have to have them all activated, and the ones that are are lit up orange. The way to do this is to press each of the buttons F, G, H and I in turn and find a suitable voice from the VOICE section on the right. I found what I was looking for in E.Piano ... Galaxy EP for R1 and Suitcase EP for R2.


I also like to have a VOICE playing with the chord I am playing with my left hand, and chose Butter Strngs from PAD to go into LEFT.


Notice that in this screen above we have the BALANCE showing at the bottom. Which means that we can alter the VOLUMES of the various sections to get a good 'balance' between the STYLE and the VOICES in LEFT, R1, R2 and R3. The UP and DOWN buttons underneath change the volume in increments of one; the SLIDERS move the volumes more rapidly.

I also wanted to be able to take my left hand OFF the keyboard while I did other things .. and for it all to keep going. So I activated the LEFT HOLD.


This is my starting Registration, with LEFT HOLD, LEFT, R1 and R2 lit up. Now before we put that Registration into REGISTRATION MEMORY Button 1 there is one important thing we have to do.

The keyboard will only store into the Registration Memories what you tell it to store. When you press the MEMORY button you get a whole load of options. Only the items that are 'ticked' will get stored. As I wasn't sure which ones I would need, I ticked the lot! To do this you scroll down each option one at a time and highlight them by pressing the UP/DOWN arrows underneath corresponding to the red arrows on the screen, and MARK the option ON or OFF by clicking the UP/DOWN buttons underneath on the far right. See the picture below.


Every time you press the MEMORY button this box comes up. But you won't have to tick all the boxes again as the keyboard remembers what you had ticked .. even when you turn the keyboard OFF and then ON again. You'll only have to do something if you want to change which ones are ticked. So I now pressed the MEMORY button, checked that all the options were ticked. and then the 1 in REGISTRATION MEMORY. You can see from the below that the Registration set up above is now in 1.


All this for just the first REGISTRATION MEMORY!

For REGISTRATION MEMORY 2 I wanted a change of drum beat and didn't think that VARIATIONS C, D or E of this Style were significantly different, so went for a completely different STYLE. So pressed button D (the STYLE one) and then listened to some of the other STYLES in COUNTRY. To do this I played a chord and kept it going while I listened to some of them .. and decided that Modern Country Pop would be good. So pressed the button by that to select it. Note: By listening to the various STYLES as they were playing 'live' they played at my TEMPO of 116. So when I chose the one I wanted it was at a Tempo of 116 and didn't have it's 'default' Tempo of 68 attached to it.

Then I set Harmonica as my Voice.


And set the left footswitch to activate a Crash Cymbal when I tapped it as explained in my Topic "Footswitches for the Tyros 4".

In REGISTRATION MEMORY 3, to liven things up a bit I had a complete change of beat and had Folk Pop for my STYLE. Again, to choose this I had to press the D button again to get the STYLES up, and set them going with a chord as I listened to the various ones. When choosing Folk Pop it was at my Tempo of 116, and not the 'default' one of 91.


And finally, in REGISTRATION MEMORY 4 I had a Grand Piano with the HARMONY ECHO ON.


This picks up the notes you are playing for the chord in your left hand and 'adds' them into the melody. So the piano is playing multiple notes even though you are just playing the melody with single notes. There are numerous choices when you do this, and I opted for DUET as I didn't want too many piano notes muddying the melody.

And also for this fourth Registration I included that footswitch with the Crash Cymbal.

You must come to the conclusion that in order to play the keyboard using the REGISTRATION MEMORIES you first have to have a musician's hat on and know what you are trying to create musically, and second you have to have a recording engineer's hat on and know how you can make the keyboard do what you want it to do. Assuming you know what you want it to do in the first place. It is certainly much easier to press some buttons and to play something from what has been set up for you.

These keyboards are called Arranger Keyboards, and are designed to suit everyone, the serious musician as well as the casual player.

So I now have my song set up in four REGISTRATION MEMORIES and am ready to play it.


Click the below to hear how it all turned out. Listen for the 'drum fill' between the verses; and the crash cymbal at the appropriate places in the music. To move from one REGISTRATION to the next I am using my left hand to reach across and press the next 'blue' button in sequence to activate it by turning it 'orange'.

Click the back-button after to get back to this page.
Grandfather Clock played with the four REGISTRATION MEMORIES set up as described above

In the video below, the Tyros Tipsters show how to set up a REGISTRATION MEMORY BANK and SAVE it (don't turn the keyboard OFF or you'll lose it!).
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Re: Choosing your own Styles and Voices - REGISTRATION MEMOR

Postby Hugh-AR » 05 Sep 2020 21:40

In this video the Tyros Tipsters explain how to create Registrations, put them into the Registration Memories, and SAVE all this to the keyboard.

Saving Some Of Your Favourite Settings Into The Blue Buttons On Yamaha Tyros

Two things to point out in this video.

He is putting a setup for a different song into each REGISTRATION MEMORY button (3 in this case). This is not what I was doing. I was using one REGISTRATION MEMORY BANK for one song, and moving through the Memory Registration buttons as I was playing brought in the changes that I wanted for my song as I was going along. Moving through his REGISTRATION MEMORY buttons would give you the setups for completely different songs.

And the second thing, to remove the letters in the NAME showing he pressed the DELETE button once for each letter. He could have just held the button down and then all the letters would have been removed in one fell swoop.
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Re: Choosing your own Styles and Voices - REGISTRATION MEMOR

Postby Hugh-AR » 05 Sep 2020 21:52

Here's another Registration Memory Bank that I have set up for playing Melodie d'Amour. I have set up 3 REGISTRATION MEMORIES (for playing just this one song) and used them accordingly as I have played through it.

REGISTRATION MEMORY 1 STYLE: Bossa Nova, VARIATION B. Strings in R1; Suitcase EP in R2.
REGISTRATION MEMORY 3 STYLE: Bossa Nova, VARIATION C. Strings in R1; Suitcase EP in R2.

I also have a VOICE in LEFT; and the LEFT HOLD is ON. This has enabled me to take my hand off the chord when playing in REGISTRATION MEMORY 2 (the one with the Trombone) and play a few notes to the right of the split .. without taking my right hand off from playing the melody. That's the lower Trombone notes you hear.

Click the back-arrow when you have listened to get back to this page.
Melodie d'Amour played on my Tyros 4
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Re: Choosing your own Styles and Voices - REGISTRATION MEMOR

Postby Hugh-AR » 06 Sep 2020 23:50

Now if you have a TYROS 5, there is another way to find a suitable STYLE for a song. You press the RECOMMEND button, play a few bars of your song .. and up comes a list of suitable STYLES to go with what you've just played. And they're 'live' so you can hear what they sound like. Reminds me of when we had a drummer staying at our Hotel, and as soon as he heard me playing something he rattled off about a dozen other songs that would go well with the rhythm I was using. That's experience for you!

What does the 'Recommend' button do on Yamaha Tyros 5?

Now I was interested to hear his comment at 1:47 in his video. "You may like to choose more than one of those Styles while you're playing it". To me, this is the essence of creating a backing for a song. Use the REGISTRATION MEMORY buttons and find other STYLES that go well for certain parts of your song. Don't just stick to the VARIATIONS A, B, C and D of one STYLE.
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Re: Choosing your own Styles and Voices - REGISTRATION MEMOR

Postby Hugh-AR » 06 Sep 2020 23:58

When you choose a STYLE you always have 4 MAIN VARIATIONS of the STYLE .. A, B, C and D. As you go up the variations they usually get more busy as you go along. But what I listen for is the drum rhythm. When you have played a verse or two of a song and come to the 'hook', or 'chorus':
From Wikipedia:
A hook is a musical idea that is used in popular music to make a song appealing and to "catch the ear of the listener". The term generally applies to popular music, especially rock, R&B, hip hop, dance, and pop. In these genres, the hook is often found in, or consists of, the chorus.

This usually involves a change of rhythm, and usually some very different chords from the main tune. Maybe even a change of key, I often find that not one of those VARIATIONS do justice to the change of mood of the music. As he said in his video above:
You may like to choose more than one of those Styles while you're playing it.

Now in two of the songs I have recorded and already put up in this Topic (above), this is exactly what I have done. Looked for another (compatible) STYLE from the VOICE Category. Two examples here, followed by the pieces where I have used them (listen carefully!).

In this first one, Grandfather Clock, I have used the change of Style from Country Pop to Modern Country Pop for the 'hook'. And then for the Verse and Chorus in the rest of the song I have used Folk Pop.

1. Country Pop. (Default TEMPO of 148 changed to 116 for playing the song.)
2. Modern Country Pop. (Keeping TEMPO of 116. The 'default' for this STYLE is 68)
3. Folk Pop. (Keeping TEMPO of 116. The 'default' for this STYLE is 91)

Here is a short DEMO of what these three STYLES sound like, each one running into the next (just the STYLES .. no Voices). Certainly they are very different. Click the below.

After listening, click the back arrow at the top to get back to this page.
DEMO of the three different STYLES used for Grandfather Clock

And if you haven't listened to it already (or if you hadn't noticed the changes of Style), click the below for the whole piece in context.

After listening, click the back arrow at the top to get back to this page.
Grandfather Clock played with the three different STYLES

Melodie d/Amour. I have used the change of Style from Bossa Nova to Pop Rumba for the 'hook'.

1. Bossa Nova. (Default TEMPO of 120 kept as 120 for playing the song.)
2. Pop Rumba. (Keeping TEMPO of 120. The 'default' for this STYLE is 160)

Here is a short DEMO of what these two STYLES sound like, the first running into the second (just the STYLES .. no Voices). Certainly they are very different. Click the below.

After listening, click the back arrow at the top to get back to this page.
DEMO of the two different STYLES used for Melodie d'Amour

And if you haven't listened to it already (or if you hadn't noticed the changes of Style), click the below for the whole piece in context.

After listening, click the back arrow at the top to get back to this page.
Melodie d'Amour played using one STYLE for the Verse, and the other for the Chorus

To recap.

When setting up your REGISTRATION MEMORIES to play a song you will want the STYLE to remain at the same TEMPO (unless you are deliberately wanting to speed it up, or slow it down .. see Den's Topic on Some novelty things to do with Yamaha keyboards). But there is no need to restrict what you use to just one of the VARIATIONS of the first STYLE you choose. If another STYLE suits the song better as it changes from Verse to Chorus (or from one Verse to another Verse) then go for it.

Yes, you can just press some buttons and play from what is there, but the keyboard we have is called an Arranger Keyboard and it is fun sometimes to suss out what this keyboard can do and 'arrange' something for yourself.
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