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Safe Drivers. [ Motor vehicles]

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2022 08:57
by barwonfan
For what it's worth. A university study has found that the safest music to listen to whilst driving a car are pop songs which have an optimum tempo for concentration, mimicking a heart beat at 60-80 beats a minute.. Hip hop and heavy metal makes drivers aggressive. Classical music makes for the most erratic drivers.

Me, I like Classical music, but If I want to stay awake I choose carefully. J.T.

Re: Safe Drivers. [ Motor vehicles]

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2022 21:51
by dentyr
Radios, CD and USB players should be banned from motor vehicles. Wearing of headphones, ear buds and mobile phone, even in a cradle prevent you from hearing the important sounds around.
They are a distraction to what you are supposed to be doing!