The EU and Article 13

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The EU and Article 13

Postby Hugh-AR » 27 Mar 2019 01:03

Today the European Parliament has backed controversial copyright laws critics say could change the nature of the net. The new rules include holding technology companies responsible for material posted without proper copyright permission.

The two clauses causing the most controversy are known as Article 11 and Article 13. Article 13 holds larger technology companies responsible for material posted without a copyright licence. It means they would need to apply filters to content before it is uploaded.

Surely 'larger technology companies' would include Box? And this is where we upload our music to. Not just us in this Forum, but all Forums and Facebook Groups. And surely if we post an MP3 to Box of eg. Cliff Richard's Living Doll then although it is not 'his' version, the very fact that we are playing Cliff's song must be infringing Copyright Law? And as such it would be blocked?

Now, it does say "Article 13 does not include cloud storage services and there are already existing exemptions, including parody." I understand from this that I would be able to upload my version of Living Doll played on my AR to Box (as that is a cloud storage service) so I can access my own MP3 from my account and listen to it .. but maybe I would not be able to do a Share LINK in the future so everybody else can listen to it.

I suppose it's early days and we don't know how this is going to pan out. But I am certainly worried about the outcome as without a Share LINK to our posted music we are scuppered!

Anybody got any views on this?

It's all about the music ♫ ♪ ♫ Organ: Yamaha AR80 & Keyboard: Tyros 4
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