Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

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Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 07 Apr 2021 18:24

You probably wonder why we 'Embed' things into a post. Well, the basic idea is that by embedding something into a post you can continue scrolling down and reading the 'Replies' without leaving the page. If you take a Soundcloud LINK that is put into the Forum as an embedded LINK this is exactly what you would do, as there is no need to 'watch' the music as it progresses across the screen.

But a YouTube Video is different. You would want to keep the video up on the screen in front of you to watch it as you are not only listening to the audio, but also watching what is in the video. Particularly if the video is an instruction video on how to do something with your keyboard!

The important thing about showing the video 'picture' is that it gives you an idea of what you are about to watch. If I just put a YouTube LINK (as this one below) you would have no idea what you were going to watch until you clicked on it.

Now, when you do get an embedded video with a picture to click on, there are a few ways you can proceed in order to watch it.

1. You can hover your mouse over the picture; the white on black arrow becomes white on RED; click and you can watch the video within the confines of the rectangle on the screen.

So how else can you watch the video?

2. Before you click anything, take a look at the bottom left hand corner and you will see this:


Click on that instead of the white on red arrow and you will be taken to watch the video on the YouTube site itself. This is possibly the best way to watch the video as you get to see the YouTube 'comments' underneath and can read them after the video has finished playing. You can then make a comment to the video poster if you so wish. Also, there is an "I like this" button underneath the video if you want to click on that (or an "I dislike this" if you really feel you have to do that!). The only disadvantage of watching this way, as opposed to watching as an embedded link, is that you will probably get more adverts.

If you have already started watching as an embedded link, take a look at the bottom right hand corner of the video. You will see the words YouTube and if you hover your mouse over that it will say "Watch on".


Click on the words YouTube and you will immediately be taken to the YouTube site to continue watching on there, so you end up in the same place as if you had done "1." in the first place.

3. When watching as an embedded video, if you hover over the bottom right symbol you see this:


Clicking on the square fills your screen with the video so you get a really big picture. Then don't move your mouse and all the video info will disappear. But you still don't get access to the comments under the video. To get out of this ' Full screen' mode, press the Esc button (Escape) on your keypad, or you can click on the cross symbol, bottom right (you have to move your mouse for this to appear).


4. While I am here, take a look at the other symbol, bottom right .. the CogWheel. Hover over that and it says 'Settings'.


Click on the Cogwheel and you get this:


Click on the right-arrow by Normal and you get a choice of Playback speeds for the YouTube video.


If you had a tape recorder, slowing it down would drop the pitch, but as this is a 'digital' recording what it does is just slow it down. You can see how this would be useful if, say, you slowed it down to half speed. If you are watching someone playing a keyboard and want to see what keys or buttons they are pressing .. then slow it down and it will be much easier for you to see what they are doing!

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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 08 Apr 2021 10:30

I have been talking to John Storey and he has said that he only has the "Watch on YouTube" option at the very beginning, and that is on the bottom left.


Once he starts the Embedded Video playing he just sees this (no YouTube, bottom right):


In this view, you don't get a PAUSE either; or a timeline so you can move the video along if you want to. However, I only get this screen when my mouse is stationary, and I only have to move my mouse slightly and I get all the options described above, back. If my mouse is not already over the video then by moving the mouse so it is over the video I once again get all the options showing.


After a fairly short time of the mouse staying still those options disappear again. This behaviour is deliberate as you don't really want all those options (including the PAUSE, the speaker volume and the timeline) showing while you are watching the video.
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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 11 Apr 2021 18:27

Another very good reason to "Watch on YouTube" directly rather than watch as an Embedded Video is this.

When the video has finished, take a look underneath the video and you will see who the 'poster' was. For example, the one that I posted earlier:

... has this underneath. The 'poster(s)' are the Genos Tipsters.


Click on the NAME of the poster and you will be taken to their 'Channel', and have access to all the other videos they have put up.


The page you will be on is their HOME page. The one you want to be on is VIDEOS. So click on that and you get this.


Scroll down and you will see all the videos they have put up. Any you fancy watching, just click on it.
Or .. you can do a right-click and choose "Open link in new tab" which will pop it up the top as a TAB for you to click on later. Maybe put several of those videos up as TABS and then watch them one after the other.

Go on! I bet you have nothing else to do!

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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 13 Apr 2021 18:21

Another thing worth mentioning. The ADVERTS! The cost for having an 'Advert Free' YouTube PREMIUM account is £12 per month = £144 per annum. Can't justify that for the amount of times I watch a YouTube video.

You have to put up with the Adverts you get at the beginning of a video, but if it's a long one you can click to 'Skip' the advert when that option comes up.


You don't get many (if any) of these when watching an 'Embedded' Video, but with any way you watch it you do get an advert stuck across the middle of the YouTube screen once your video starts. See the below!


You really don't want that there while you are watching the video! Click the 'X' in the top right hand corner of the rectangle and that advert will disappear. Don't click anywhere else or you will be launched straight into the Advert! You will then get this screen .. no Advert!


Until the next time .. which in all probability will be before you have got to the end of what you're watching!

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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 03 May 2021 22:06

Another thing worth mentioning. What if the video you are watching is in another language .. like this one, which is in Italian.
All the Titles on the video are in English, but click on the arrow to watch it ands you'll soon discover the narration is in Italian.

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Well, once you get the video going you can get Subtitles to show across the bottom of the video, in English.
Look bottom right of the video (either as an embedded video, or on YouTube itself) and you will see a symbol to the left of the 'Settings' cogwheel.


Click on this and you will get the subtitles (or if they're already ON and you speak Italian, click it to turn the Subtitles OFF).

Video before clicking on the Subtitles Symbol:


Video after clicking on the Subtitles Symbol:

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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby kens » 11 Dec 2021 01:10

Hi! Hugh. Trust you are well. Just discovered a little gem. On a video displayed in the forum there is a circle at top left. If one clicks on it, all the other videos that person has on YouTube will be displayed. Ken
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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 11 Dec 2021 01:13


Correct, as this takes you to their YouTube Channel. When you get there you will be on the Home page of that person's Channel, which lists some of their videos .. and has suggestions of other YouTube videos that may be of interest to them.

Click on the tab Videos at the top and you really do get a list of all the videos that person has put up. This applies to anybody's YouTube channel.

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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 29 Mar 2022 18:35

When you are watching a video on YouTube itself, do you find it 'stops' when you get to the end (well, there may be an advert before it stops) .. or do you find it loads another video and starts playing that? If you want it to do that, you can control which videos you watch over on the right. Click those left/right arrows to see all the options eg. results of your search; videos you have watched previously; videos with the same music genre etc. and click on the one you want.


This behaviour is called Autoplay and can be toggled ON or OFF on the video itself when you start watching it. Click with your mouse to switch the Autoplay ON or OFF.


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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Westgarth » 04 Apr 2022 12:10

Thanks for posting this information Hugh. Can't say I understand it all but it's certainly a reference for when I next post a you tube video. :D
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Re: Best way to view Embedded Videos on this Forum

Postby Hugh-AR » 24 Jan 2023 12:40

Another way you can watch an Embedded Video FULL SCREEN is to double-click on the video once you have got the video started by clicking on the arrow.

To get back to the embedded video in the Forum, double-click the video again when it's showing in FULL SCREEN.
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