Deafness. and playing my keyboard.

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Deafness. and playing my keyboard.

Postby barwonfan » 16 Dec 2023 03:03

I have been been wearing hearing aids for about 18 months, and it is essential that I have them in my ears if I wish to hear my wife who I married 60+ years ago. She swears that she has not taken to mumbling. I never wear them whilst gardening as I'm scared that I will lose them. I SHOULD wear them when I am driving the car, as I sometimes do not hear the turning signal. I recently left the right hand turning signal switched on for several minutes and now realize that I could have caused an accident. I NEVER play my Yamaha PSR with hearing aids in my ears, as my styles sound terrible. Yesterday, I read that the brain can adjust to all manner of things so I decided to give my hearing aid a second chance.I have decided that I am going to wear them every time when I play my keyboard, in the future.
If any of our members are interested in further information on this subject they may wish to log in to the PSR tutorial forum on the internet; where they will be able to read replies to a post I put up there yesterday using my pen name [Yammyfan]
Keyboard: PSR-S970; PSR-SX900
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Re: Deafness. and playing my keyboard.

Postby Ron » 16 Dec 2023 14:16

I have worn 2 hearing aids for several years now and have no problems at all when playing my T3. They go in first thing in the morning and come out last thing at night. I did get them originally to hear the TV without turning up the volume, however, as I no longer ever watch TV, this is no longer a concern.

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