Loading FREE Styles into a PSR E463 keyboard

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Loading FREE Styles into a PSR E463 keyboard

Postby Hugh-AR » 04 Sep 2022 00:13

Another video by Maurie Reece. He has a Mac computer, but of course you can equally download files to a PC .. and then onto a Memory Stick to put into your keyboard.

The keyboard he is demonstrating this with is the Yamaha PSR-E463, a keyboard at the bottom of the market. Being at the cheaper end of the market, his keyboard has to have the STYLES he has obtained loaded into the 'Memory' of his keyboard .. one STYLE to one Numbered 'Memory Slot'. ie. they can't be used directly from the Memory Stick. Also, his keyboard can't read into 'Folders'. My Tyros 4 will do both of these things, and I can play something by choosing a Style or Voice directly from the Memory Stick.

I found it interesting to watch this video to see how another keyboard copes with something that is so easy to do on most other Yamaha Keyboards.

Loading FREE Styles into a PSR E463 keyboard

Maurie Reece must have listened beforehand to the Styles he wanted to load in. How else would you know which Styles you wanted? The thought of checking out hundreds of Styles this way to see what they sounded like is not something I would even contemplate. In fact, as soon as someone mentions that there are thousands of Styles on the Internet available for you to download I just go into a cold sweat!

It's all about the music ♫ ♪ ♫ Organ: Yamaha AR80 & Keyboard: Tyros 4
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