How to do EVERYTHING on Tyros


How to do EVERYTHING on Tyros

Postby dentyr » 31 Mar 2024 06:53

This link will take you to Tyros Mania site which I avidly devoured when I got my Tyros 4. It explains everything that you need, don't need, know or don't know.
There is so much in there that I use but have forgotten where to find the information. There are many things in this package that even Yamaha did not know!
It was put together by Tyros Mania (Keith Ball), Neville Sharman, John Wyvern and others.
Take a day off and read some of it through, you will be amazed at what your Tyros can do.
There are also Styles and PDF info. Try it, you may like it.

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

Regards, Den.
ps. Knew I'd find it someday. :D
Keyboards: Yamaha Tyros 4, PSR SX700, PSR S970and StagePa300
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Re: How to do EVERYTHING on Tyros

Postby dentyr » 31 Mar 2024 09:32

Adding to this post; assuming that you wanted to make a carving. First you find a suitable base, a piece of wood. Liken this to Tyros.
You see a toolbox and inside is a chisel. Great you start carving but it is hard going. You open another toolbox and find a mallet. Great, you get on with it. Then you think this is hard going so you open another box and find an oil stone. Sharpen the chisel and things go well. You continue to search and find an oil bottle, great for the stone. This is how I found how to handle my Tyros and with great help from others I continued to search. I am still searching and finding things after having my Tyros for ten years.
Regards, Den.
Keyboards: Yamaha Tyros 4, PSR SX700, PSR S970and StagePa300
I knit dolls and animal toys.
I always try to do things which I can't do in order to learn how to do them. ..
Werk maakt je vrij. Muziek maakt je blij. Work sets you free. Music makes you happy.
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Re: How to do EVERYTHING on Tyros

Postby Fred » 31 Mar 2024 14:30

Hi Den

It’s a great shame his forum is almost gone.

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Re: How to do EVERYTHING on Tyros

Postby barwonfan » 01 Apr 2024 01:47

Your tool box is a wonderful analogue Dennis. Congratulations. It sums up Yamaha keyboard procedure perfectly. It maybe that this application applies to many other computer operations. J.T.
Keyboard: PSR-S970; PSR-SX900
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Re: How to do EVERYTHING on Tyros

Postby barwonfan » 01 Apr 2024 02:15

Fred. I am not a religious person but I hope and pray that this forum will continue. I have learnt so much in the past 3 years from looking at it every day. The monthly challenge with or without voting provides me with inspiration. I have not entered into the March Challenge because I have been fully committed to helping my wife through major hip surgery. But, normally I enter 3 songs each month. I am a bit lazy and often don't get around to putting up a "Like" when I hear a piece that a member has posted. Anyone familiar with operations on Face book will know that if you like something someone has posted , all you have to do is tick the box labelled "Like" and if there is one thing that I would like to see on this great forum is the addition of a LIKE box. I am glad that Face book does NOT have an UNLIKE button or a thumbs down button as that would be very disheartening, and the learner would give up. When I first started posting my songs here about 4 years ago I fear they were not very good but Hugh said a few nice things about them I got so excited. I was spurred on. I feel I am a much better player now than then and that is largely due to the fact that by listening to enteries of other members playing songs , I experiment with choosing different styles etc. Long may the forum continue. And by the way-----Who pays and how much per annum does it cost to keep the forum going ? J.T.
Keyboard: PSR-S970; PSR-SX900
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