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Footswitches for the Tyros 4

PostPosted: 04 Sep 2020 22:05
by Hugh-AR
Having played an AR80 organ for several years I now have a Tyros 4 keyboard. It was all Den's idea (Dennis Oyston from Victoria, Australia) who has a Tyros 4 himself, and he reckoned I should get to grips with playing a keyboard. As I play my AR80 'keyboard style' anyway, with STYLES and a 'split point' for playing chords, I am hoping to get to grips with playing this keyboard. And as I find out about playing it I shall record some of my findings here. This is not meant to be a comprehensive explanation of all the things this keyboard can do, but a record of things I am finding out about as I go along.

For starters I need a stool to sit on when I play. So have bought this one.


I then reckoned I would need three footswitches.


An Expression Pedal (the FC7) which plugs into Socket No: 3 at the back,


I use an expression pedal all the time, as this is the one thing I did have on my organ. I use it for putting 'expression' into my music, which does not mean i use it when the music score says f or p. I use it to give 'lift' to what I play, which is what JonD does.

Then a Sustain Pedal (which looks like the right hand pedal on a piano), plugged into Socket No: 1 .. for the Piano, and to 'sustain' STRINGS etc.


And finally the FC5 'footswitch' which is plugged into Socket No: 2.


This wil be used to do other things, and I have placed it by my left foot.

Now the nitty gritty of getting these three switches working.

Re: Footswitches for the Tyros 4

PostPosted: 04 Sep 2020 22:13
by Hugh-AR
First things first. I have three foot switches connected, so lets get those operational first. The page for setting this up is one of the FUNCTION options and one would have to delve into that to find the correct page. But ....

The Tyros 4 has a 'short cut' button you can press, and immediately after you press the button/switch of what you're trying to set up .. and you will be taken to that page immediately. This is called the DIRECT ACCESS button (good description!).


I'll first set up my Expression (Volume) Pedal, the FC7, which is plugged into jack socket No: 3. So I press the DIRECT ACCESS button, and this message comes up on the screen. Note that once you have set something up in another screen you press the EXIT button to get back to the MAIN screen. That's the button bottom right of the display screen, as shown in my first post above. It tells you to do this in the Info on the screen!


Then put my foot on and move the Expression Pedal and this screen comes up (ie. VOLUME). If it's not already on that, then change it using the red UP/DOWN arrows on the left. I want the Expression Pedal to work over the whole keyboard, so all the options showing at the bottom of the screen should be set to ON. (Note: See ** below).


I want the Expression Pedal to be available all the time. The other two I shall want for specific purposes so there is no need to set them up now. But when we do want them the process is the same. Press the DIRECT ACCESS button. Press the 'Piano Pedal' that's plugged into jack socket No:1 and the screen for setting this comes up. Using the red UP/DOWN arrows on the left set this one to SUSTAIN. (Note: See ** below).


Pedals and foot switches introduction on Yamaha Tyros

** Make sure the pedals work the right way round ie. pressing down increases the Volume/Sustain. If that's the wrong way round then change the PEDAL POLARITY (ie. the + / - ) on the right of the screen.

Pedals and foot switches part 2 for Yamaha Tyros

The third pedal, the FC5 (basically just a switch) which is plugged into jack socket No: 2 I want to use to trigger a Crash Cymbal at specific points in the music. To do this, again press the DIRECT ACCESS button and put your foot on the switch. On the PEDAL PAGE scroll down using the red UP/DOWN arrows on the left find PERCUSSION (it's a long way down .. keep going!); and on the right, scroll down by pressing the buttons under the screen until you come to CRASHCYMBL1. Again, make sure the polarity is correct for what you want it to do. I shall have this footswitch on the left and work it with my left foot.


Having read all the above I'm sure you will appreciate that a keyboard is not just a 'sit down and play' machine like a Piano (well not the modern Work Stations anyway). There is a lot of technology you have to get your head around before you can even start playing it. In my next few posts I'll tell you how I moved on from here and actually managed to play something!