How to alter your styles quickly and easily


How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby Brian007 » 03 Jun 2020 15:05

Hi All,

As the song says 'I had nothing to do on this wet afternoon' and found this great video on style editing and alteration, and strangely enough I could do all the things he did in the video just after watching it once, so 15 minutes well spent if you want to get creative with styles

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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby dentyr » 04 Jun 2020 02:14

Hello Brian, quite some time ago I tried making a style but on my PSR S900. It seemed that I had to delete all the existing things except the drums and then create my new style. I am not that good. Another thing I tried was to convert a MIDI file to style. Another meager disaster. Now I shall have to try this on my SX900 but with some other style to start. I am not into Pop and Rock so it will be interesting to see what happens. Thanks for posting the video. Regards, Den.
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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby dentyr » 04 Jun 2020 03:36

Hello Again Brian, Have just spent an hour on this. It is great how easy it is to change things in the style and get something completely different - well somewhat! Have had a great time with this. Regards,Den.
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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby Brian007 » 04 Jun 2020 07:56

Hi Den,

I found the way he explained things and showed them in the video and having a similar type of keyboard made it very easy to do and he was speaking in English which was a big help as the subtitles on YouTube do leave a lot to be desired. Now we know how easy it is the hard part is in deciding or even knowing what we want to do ? thats where the creative bit comes in

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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby Hugh-AR » 13 Oct 2020 22:54


Thanks for posting this one. What he describes (ie. what you can do with the STYLES) applies to all the Yamaha keyboards, including my AR80 organ .. which is over 20 years old now! It's just a question of which buttons to press to get what you want to do. And in your case with the PRS-SX700 it's a question of what to press on the screen. And the terminology used. On yours and the Tyros 4 it's called the STYLE CREATOR. On my AR80 they called it ACCOMPANIMENT PROGRAM. But on my AR80, although I can do my own PARTS, I cannot 'pinch' a PART from one STYLE and use it in another. That seems to me to be a very useful thing to be able to do.

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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby Brian007 » 14 Oct 2020 11:03

Hi Hugh,

The ability to ASSEMBLE /Swap different parts from different styles is a very big plus as Yamaha do have some very good styles and its quicker and easier to swap parts as to create new ones .

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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby Hugh-AR » 14 Oct 2020 17:28


I should think the three PARTS of my own that I 'program' most into AR STYLES (and of course have to do each one individually) are an arpeggio; a 'repeating piano' .. high up; .. and I quite often change the 'pattern' for the BASS PART.

With the BASS pattern I often find it's not suitable for the song I am playing. It's either too monotonous (eg. C, C-C, C, C-C); or the BASS is all over the place (to make it sound more interesting in Yamaha's eyes?) when all I want is a straight C, G, C, G etc. So I would program these notes into the BASS PART.

I then have another issue. Something that is not mentioned in the video above, but is in others. They say Use the QUANTIZE' in order to get your notes 'spot on in time with the rhythm'. Well, no thanks! This makes everything sound very 'mechanical'. I think this part of it is designed for people who are incapable of 'playing notes to a rhythm'. When I do eg. the 'Repeating piano', I would come in just a fraction before the first beat in the third bar (with a 'pattern' of 4 bars before the repeat); and on the Bass, if I were doing eg. C, EG: C, EG, I would have the C and G spot on the beat in the bar .. but play the E just a fraction before the beat. And this would be deliberate. So no, I wouldn't want it all 'ironed out to be in exact time with the rhythm'. Playing music is not about having all your notes sounding exactly as it's written on the sheet music in front of you. What you play has got to 'flow. It would be like talking to someone without putting any expression into your voice and your words sounding like a computer would do it.

Here's one where I hardly ever come in where the 'dots' say you should. I suppose that a 'backing' should be fairly regimented (this is the 'default backing I have used for this one) .. but not 100% all of the time. And this too has that BASS PART just repeating itself on the same note constantly. I certainly wouldn't want it dong this from the beginning of the song to the end!

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Nobody's Child DEMO

Note: In the video above, Jeremy See starts his explanation on recording his own PART at 11:15. He doesn't mention QUANTIZE because he has played his new PART with little 'skips' that don't come in exactly 'on the beat'. And this is what I'm on about.

And another thing. You can have the PARTS that you want to hear 'play' while you're doing the recording (put the PARTS you don't want to hear on MUTE). I find it easier to put my own PART in whilst listening to eg. the Rhythm and maybe CHORD 1 rather than just having the Metronome to time it with.

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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby Brian007 » 15 Oct 2020 07:50

Hi Hugh,

While I agree with you that a great deal is possible with swapping style parts and creating your own sections of styles, but the big question is just how many people that buy arranger keyboards are prepared to go that far ? if you bought it and just want to sit and play along to what's already there you're not going or are not capable of going that far into things, I suspect that the only people that go that far into things are professionals who`s living is playing live music or dedicated bedroom / amateur players like me/us that just want to fill sometime in and enjoy playing keyboards as a hobby.

My advice for what its worth is, if you want to get really creative and program/play your own music, get a midi keyboard, a copy of cubase and the sky's the limit, but none of what we have talked about here is easy, no pain no gain.

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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 Oct 2020 10:53


You're quite right, of course. We all buy keyboards for different reasons. As you say, the majority of people just want to sit down and play their keyboards with the on-board STYLES, and it is an achievement to succeed in playing one tune, and then another. And very satisfying. When playing in the band we had to play 20 - 40 numbers on the trot. So been there, done that. The interest to me in music is to suss something out that is specific to the tune I am playing. So eg. that is why I spent some time creating a MULTI PAD for Rebel Rouser. It's doing things like that that give me satisfaction with playing my keyboard.

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Rebel Rouser with a 'bespoke' MULTI PAD with BRASS in the second part

And another thing. I play pieces and record them because I like to listen to them later as if I were listening to a CD. When in the Hotel, someone asked me, "Why do you listen to your own music?". And my answer was, "Because I play it the way I like to hear it. Why would I want to listen to someone else's arrangement of a song?". I think that sums it up. It's my arrangement of a song (with a little help from Yamaha!).

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Re: How to alter your styles quickly and easily

Postby Brian007 » 15 Oct 2020 13:48

Hi Hugh,

I agree with you completely that it is a matter of personal choice just how far each of us are willing to delve into our keyboards in the art of music creation and have to admit that it gives me great personal satisfaction to create my music, the one thing in favour of these keyboards is they do give you a good point to start from with the use of the ready made on board styles as opposed to creating everything from scratch.

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