What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

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What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 12 Mar 2018 19:40

What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

The Registration Memory Buttons are where you can store set-ups you have put together for a particular piece you want to play. You then have instant access to what you did for that piece without having to set it all up again.

On my Yamaha AR 80 organ I have 12 Registration Memory Buttons, placed right across the organ between the Upper and Lower Manuals (the AR 100 has 16 Registration Memory Buttons). On the Tyros 5 there are 8 buttons, situated to the right (the 'Blue' buttons); and on the Genos there are 10, in the centre just above the keys and below the screen.

So how do you actually 'save' a set-up to a Registration Memory? On the AR you have to 'Press and hold' the RED M button whilst you press the Registration Memory button where you want it stored. The videos below show you how to save registrations on a Tyros or a Genos.

Then once you have put some registrations into the memory buttons it would be a good idea to SAVE what you have done .. or you will lose them next time those Registration Memory buttons are used. The AR has nowhere to save things like this in the organ, so one has to 'save' the registrations externally to a floppy disk (yes, we still use floppy disks!). On the Tyros (and the Genos) there is hard disk for saving files like this, so you can give your registrations a File Name and store it in the instrument itself.

Now, although it is not necessary to 'clear' any existing registrations you may have in those 'blue buttons', as any new registrations stored will 'over-ride' the old, I do like the idea of starting with a blank slate. Otherwise, if you don't use all 8/10 registrations (or however many you have) you will end up with a mishmash of registrations, as the ones you don't replace will remain there and won't have any relevance to what you are doing.

These first two videos explain how to 'clear' any existing registrations, and how to give the resultant file an appropriate file name like BLANK. In another video I watched they named it 0 BLANK, the zero making sure it would appear at the top of the list so you wouldn't have to go hunting in the Bs if you wanted to use it.

Tyros 5 - 61 note Keyboard
How to 'clear' existing registrations in the Registration Memory Buttons.

Tyros 5 - 76 note Keyboard
How to 'clear' existing registrations in the Registration Memory Buttons, and how to set up a 'short cut' file to do the job for you.

This third video shows how to store a 'registration' on a Tyros.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Westgarth » 12 Mar 2018 22:15

Hi Hugh

That's a great explanation. They're a must for all players.

I wish you could save a registration by speaking to the keyboard though, it would be much easier. "OK keyboard, save this setup in Bank 5 Mack The Knife". Much better than pressing buttons and renaming don't you think. It's the future! :D
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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Brian007 » 13 Mar 2018 09:39


Registrations are a true gods send for everyone that uses a keyboard be it for people that play live, and those of us that just like to tinkle the ivories a little they offer a way to recall things you have done in the past and add to them , and in lots of cases share them too.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 13 Mar 2018 12:58


From what you have said above, you obviously can save a 'set-up' on your Korg, but haven't answered my question on how you do it.

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PeterS and Brian007, who both have a Korg .. correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem to me that on a Korg the terminology for setting something up is that you are creating a Performance. The expression 'Registration Memory' must just be the 'Yamaha' terminology for doing this. I must admit, to me, a 'Performance' is something completely different in my mind, as that would be something you have played and maybe saved as MP3. But there you go. Here is a video showing how you save a 'Performance' (ie. set of Registrations) on a Korg. In this video, he doesn't 'save' his set-up to eg. a USER section, but adds it into a STRINGS section.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Brian007 » 13 Mar 2018 13:38

Hi Hugh,

Korg has changed from OTS which was similar to the Yamaha to a new system called Song Book which is a giant database and it records all the setting at the time you enter a record, so to save to a songbook entry , you set everything you need, voices, styles, pads, midi files etc and then press the Songbook button hold it down and give your entry a name and that`s it all done, the hard bit is creating all the settings.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Westgarth » 14 Mar 2018 22:25

Hi All

I've just come across this demonstration of how a professional would set up his registrations for a show using a Lowrey organ. I was particularly impressed over how he set up the timpani drum roll, I'll definitely use that. Might be worth a listen. It won't tell you how to set up a registration, just how to use them.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 Mar 2018 01:00


You and I are thinking along the same lines, so thanks for posting the above.

To continue the thread I had started earlier, the third video showed how to put three registration set-ups into Registrations Memories on a Tyros 5. The demonstrator chose Theatre Organ to put in Registration Memory 1; a Swing & Jazz Style, Dixieland for Registration Memory 2; and Piano for Registration Memory 3.

My question is, " Why would you ever want to do that ... unless you are a demonstrator? "

To my mind, the whole point of having Registration Memories is so you can use them to get variation at the touch of a button for the song you are playing.

Here is another demonstrator (Daniel Watt) setting up Registration Memories for this purpose, which is more to the point. There is a bit of advertising in the middle of this video for a DVD they have on sale, but keep going and eventually you will come to Part 2.

In the video above he didn't 'clear' the Registration Memories he already had at the start. He just over-rode the registrations, so he has a mishmash of registrations as I was describing earlier.

If you are playing (arranging) a piece, you can set up many more changes in those Registration Memories which you can 'access' as you are playing. Takes the pressure off having to do too many things 'on the fly' as you are playing. In Steve's example in the posting above, the demonstrator has used his Registration Memories to play three Frank Sinatra songs in succession. But he too has used more than one Registration Memory in each song.

Going back to something I played earlier, Petite Fleur ..

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.. I have used four Registration Memories for my piece:

1. A 'straight' one-two, one-two beat; with a Clarinet for the melody (with USER vibrato).
2. A backing with a little 'skip' in the bass; with a Guitar playing the melody.
3. A backing where every beat of the bar is emphasised, both in the Bass and the Guitar chord. A Clarinet for the melody.
4. The backing with a little 'skip' in the bass; and the Clarinet playing the melody.

By using the Registration Memories for just one song, I have been able to SAVE it as Petite Fleur. Easy to find if I want to play this tune again.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 Mar 2018 01:49

Along the same lines, here is Jason Lee (organaut) playing Flamingo on his Genos. The Registration Memories (the 'blue' buttons .. there are 10 on the Genos) are in the centre, and you can see plainly when he uses these. Mind you, he does a lot of things 'on the fly' too. You would, if you were as good a player as him.

Now, a further question for Brian and Peter S. How would you do something like this on a Korg?

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 Mar 2018 11:24

There is more on Registrations and how they are used in a topic started by James (NativeAngels) - Korg Group:

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There are some good hints on how and when to use Registrations in a piece you are playing by both Brian007 and andyg.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 16 Mar 2018 00:43

Another piece I have played by setting up Registration Memories with two very different styles.

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If any of you come across any YouTube videos where you can plainly see Registration Memories being used, please post a LINK in a REPLY to this topic.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 Mar 2018 18:03

Following Steve's post of Registrations being used on a Lowrey organ, I have found another example on the Böhm SEMPRA SE20. Claus is one of our Members, and in his video you can see quite clearly when he changes Registrations. His are accessed 'on screen' (but he would have had to have set them up in the first place). Every organ and keyboard seems to have a different way of doing things, but one thing is quite clear, unless you are going to play a piece from beginning to end with just the one Registration, you need to have a means of setting up several Registrations, and be able to switch from one Registration to the next easily.

The tune he is playing is Greensleeves. Listen beyond the opening few bars as it is further on in the video that he really puts the organ through it's paces. I wondered if Claus was going to do a 'Tierce-de-Picardie' at the end .. but he hasn't. It ends on a minor chord.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 18 Mar 2018 21:53

Another from the Genos keyboard. He has 6 Registration Memories set up for this Demo (the other 4 are clear and are blank), and you can see quite clearly when he moves on from one to the next. You can also see those extra little things he does 'on the fly'.

it's nice to see a keyboard being used to do the things it was designed for.

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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby NativeAngels » 29 Apr 2018 15:20

I've recently got a Tyros 4 and Korg Pa700

I'm not so keen on the 1 bank per song, as far as the Tyros 4 goes I've been going through the styles and storing any one touch settings I like as a registration. As far as my song setups I've been using the music finder. My intention is to store sounds I like for my songs as a one touch setting and store the edited style as the song name.
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Re: What are Registration Memories, and how are they used?

Postby Hugh-AR » 02 Jul 2018 23:42

Here's another video on how to Save Registrations on a Tyros 5. Watch the second bit of the video. It's not just a question of 'saving' the Registrations into the 'blue buttons' .. you also have to save your Registrations as a 'Registration Bank' if you want to access them again in the future.

There's an interesting comment under this video:
I don't get how you remember what is on each registration button when you perform a song?

I reckon the answer is, "You don't". When I am setting up Registrations on the AR I am doing it for a particular song I am playing. So those Registrations that are stored in M1, M2, M3 etc. are ones that I had set up to use at particular points in the song. And I would give the Registration Bank a NAME that I would recognise as this song.

Now I have said that I don't read music. But I do more often than not have the sheet music up in front of me. This is because (a) I like having the written chords up in front of me as 'letters' eg. C or G7 or Fm etc. and (b) I write the Memory Button Numbers on the music when I am changing to a different Registration Memory eg. M1, M4, M2 etc. I write these on in RED INK so they are easily seen. When I am actually learning how to play a song I probably don't need to refer to these. After all, I am creating what I want to hear as I go along. But when I want to play it at a later date? I couldn't possibly remember what I put where, so having the Memory Numbers on the sheet music is a must.

Take this song, The Story Of My Life:

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You can hear where I change Registrations. Choir to piano / vibraphone / piano / guitar in the voices; and a 'repeating piano' + a 'solid' bass line in the Style backing. These are all in the various Registration Memories, but don't ask me to tell you which one is where! It's written on the sheet music as Memory Numbers!

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