The Music Mountain

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The Music Mountain

Postby dentyr » 01 Jul 2019 01:10

The Music Mountain.

A young girl stood looking around at many people wandering, seamlessly aimless. She looked up and saw what appeared to be a huge rock reaching far up into the sky.
“What is that?” she queried.
A voice answered “That is the mountain of music.”
“What is it for?” asked the girl, “what does it do?”
The voice answered “It gives you great happiness, good friendship and wonderful feelings. It also gives you great hardships, it tests your endurance and your stamina.”
“How can it do those contrary things?”
“You only have to start to climb and you will find joy and also frustrations.”
The girl walked to the base of the mountain and looked. It was steep and rocky but, as others were just seeming to do nothing, she started to climb. It was difficult, she had to find hand holds, search for the next place to put her hands and hold on tight.
Soon there was a little ledge where she could take a rest. She looked around and saw the countryside spread out around. She noticed little sparkles in the rock and that made her happy. She looked up. It was steep and forbidding but if this ledge was so nice then the next place may be good as well.
Just as she started to climb she looked back and to her amazement the rocks and lumps had become a stairway. She looked up. It was steep and rocky but she became aware that she just had to get to the next level. It took time and effort. She often thought that she would give up and go back but the thought of what may be there drove her on.
At last she reached another ledge. The shiny twinkles and the colours in the rocks were amazing. She felt happy. She looked around and she could see more and more of the countryside. When she looked back she saw that the rocks had again turned into a stairway. She could trot back down to the previous level and then back to where she was.
“If each level is more exciting than the previous one then I just have to get to the top.”
She looked up and to her dismay the top of the mountain was still so far up in the sky. She thought to herself “Hardships and frustrations come before the beauty that can be experienced! Onwards and upwards!”
As she rested on the next level she thought “I may never get to the top but the getting there is so exciting.”
Regards, Dennis.
Keyboards: Yamaha Tyros 4, PSR SX700, PSR S970and StagePa300
I knit dolls and animal toys.
I always try to do things which I can't do in order to learn how to do them. ..
Werk maakt je vrij. Muziek maakt je blij. Work sets you free. Music makes you happy.
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Re: The Music Mountain

Postby Hugh-AR » 01 Jul 2019 10:28


I know you have written this, and I think it's brilliant! So true of life, and particularly when playing keyboards! It all looks quite daunting to start with, but you set off on your journey, and as you master one little bit you tackle the next .. until you have acquired a range of skills to play something you find really satisfying.

Mind you, I know one or two people who jump from the ground to the top of the mountain in one go. They seem to have a 'natural talent' for music.

It's all about the music ♫ ♪ ♫ Organ: Yamaha AR80 & Keyboard: Tyros 4
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