Mathmatics of the Tyros 4


Mathmatics of the Tyros 4

Postby dentyr » 04 Aug 2020 12:54

Post by dentyr » 26 Nov 2019 20:57

Mathematics of the Tyros 4 according to Den

Introduction to the registrations

You have 8 registration buttons and 4 OTS buttons, OK?
You have voices R1, R2 & R3.
You have a freeze button.
You select a style, Vocal waltz. Press Freeze.
Let’s start with the OTS, You can have R1 alone, R2 alone and R3 alone. On OTS button 1.
Continue, R1+R2, R1+R3 and R2+R3 then R1+R2+R3.
You now have 7 variations on just ONE OTS button.
Similar on the other 3 buttons and now you have 4 * 7 = 28 variations.
Now come down to the registration buttons, 1 to 8. The same sequence applies; 8 * 7 = 56. So for your Vocal Waltz you have a possibility of 84 variations, ensuring the freeze button is on.
So, to add excitement to the pot there are quite a few waltz styles that you can set (register) the same tempo. Put these waltz styles onto buttons 2 to 8 and you are climbing into 672 variations just for the waltz at 90 BPM! WOW!!!
Save this bank, you have done a lot of work to get this far.
Next reg bank can have the same treatment using a foxtrot style.
Up to now you have only TWO banks, one as waltzes and one as foxtrots.
My 250 Gb hard drive will accommodate a lot more banks than that.
Just to be pedantic, you can name the songs in the registration block
(Button J)
Now just to make your itchy fingers sticky, you can vary the volume of any of the voices on the fly using the sliders. Lucky they are in a position where you can see what is happening and not stuck somewhere on the side as an afterthought.
Having digested that lot then you can get stuck into the DSP and Variations; but that will take weeks of work to wander through that lot.
Regards, Den.
Keyboards: Yamaha Tyros 4, PSR SX700, PSR S970and StagePa300
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Re: Mathmatics of the Tyros 4

Postby Brian007 » 05 Aug 2020 07:43

Hi Den,

Just goes to show I think only the most dedicated of players really get to the bottom of the top of the range Arranger Keyboards
so much can be adjusted and tweaked and all has to be learned and remembered and that`s on top of playing the thing ?

All the best, Brian007
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