NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

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NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby lesh » 25 Sep 2014 19:28


Using Notestar I Just downloaded a track to my iPad, then connected to my Tyros 4 ok and played along to the backing track.

Trying to be clever I thought I would try recording my performance, but only what I played on the keyboard got recorded and not the backing track.
Am I right in saying that Notestar just uses the Tyros speaker system which is the reason I am unable to record the backing?

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby Fred » 25 Sep 2014 20:02

Hi Les

You have not gave us much info, however if you are recording using the MIDI Record feature, you will not get the AUDIO to record as MIDI does not support Audio.

You should be able to record what you play AND the backing when recording to a WAV File.

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby lesh » 26 Sep 2014 09:36

Hi Fred

Sorry about the lack of info.

What I am trying to is as follows.

I have a backing track loaded to Notestar on my iPad which I have connected to the loop return ports on the rear of my Tyros 4. When I play the backing track I get the sound via the speakers on the Tyros ok and when I play the keyboard both backing track and keyboard are heard via the Tyros speakers.

I'm happy with all of that, but when in try to record the performance using the audio recorder on the Tyros the backing track don't record, I only end up with the keyboard sounds.

Hope this helps in understanding my issue and thanks very much for your first reply.

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby Hugh-AR » 20 Aug 2017 17:18

Hi Les,

You had posted this in 2014, which is a while ago! I don't know whether or not you had tried recording the complete audio (ie. backing track + what you were playing on your keyboard) .. was your Tyros 4 able to do this? But Fred is right when he says:
You should be able to record what you play AND the backing when recording to a WAV File.

Anything you can hear through headphones you can record as an audio file, either directly from your keyboard (eg. as a WAV file), or you can use some other external recording equipment. If you have a LINE OUT on your instrument, then use that to do it from; but if not, then you can use the headphone socket. I have covered how to record from your instrument in this posting in Audio Recording .. (maybe do a right-click and open the topic up in a New Tab):

Recording one's keyboard/organ as MP3 using AUDACITY

Having a backing track to 'play along with' is a really novel idea and I shall have a go at doing that myself. If any Member can contribute something along these lines please do a 'Reply' to this posting and let us hear how it is done.

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby Hugh-AR » 21 Aug 2017 10:01

Here is a reminder of Yamaha's NoteStar .. what it is, and what it does:

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby Brian007 » 21 Aug 2017 10:15

Hi Hugh,

Not to sure about the capabilities of that app as I havent tried it, Yamaha do make some good apps for the Ipad
and this one is free BUT you buy the songs at £3.99 a pop ?

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby Hugh-AR » 22 Aug 2017 14:14

What had fascinated me about this topic was the idea of 'playing along with a backing track'. Singers do this, but if an organist/keyboard player were to do this it is somehow frowned upon and called 'cheating'. As I used to play piano in a band when I was younger, I ask myself the question, "I play the piano in this band. The other members of the band play guitar, trumpet, trombone, double bass, drums etc. So is my playing the piano 'cheating' because I am not playing all the accompaniment myself?" The only difference between a band and a 'backing track' is that I know the people in the band, but do not know the person who created the backing track. Does this make me any less of a musician?

This crops up when we have a 'professional organist' play at our Weston-super-Mare Organ and Keyboard Club. It really would be frowned upon if he/she didn't play everything you hear "live". I remember once going to a Brian Sharp concert in the Colston Hall in Bristol. He began by saying that his "legs" were not as good as they used to be, so he had recorded the bass line previously. And other counter melodies and backings he had recorded previously. But pointed out that everything we would be listening to had been created by him! And then he played one of the most beautiful pieces of music I had ever heard. On the Upper he had a "synth" sound with a "glide", and he controlled the "glide" by sliding his finger along a strip on the top of the organ. So two hands were involved. One to play the tune, and the other to control the glide. The rest had been recorded previously. And did I feel cheated because everything I was listening to was not "live"? Certainly not. As far as I was concerned, Brian was playing the melody with two hands .. and his "personal band" was playing the rest.

So why not use a 'backing track' as your personal band, and do your own thing to create a superb piece of music.

There are two keyboard players on YouTube that I really enjoy listening to, robbiedoesNL and KeyBTyros (Rico). By subscribing to their channels I receive a notification when anything new is put up, and have had the below from Rico this morning. What interested me about this one is that Rico is actually 'playing along' with a MIDIFILE created by the Younique Music Group. Rico is using both hands to 'play along' with the backing track. Interesting to see (and hear) how it has all turned out.

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby Hugh-AR » 23 Aug 2017 21:46

With regard to the original question in this topic, I have had this from Les:
Never sorted out why the backing track wouldn't record on the Tyros, put it down to how I connected the iPad, but not sure. What I do now is download the backing track to my laptop then move it to the Tyros using a USB stick. Seems to work when it's loaded to the Tyros. This makes me sure it's either the iPad app I'm using or the way I'm connecting it.

Les .. hopefully you will get it to work and you can post something in here. Then we can listen to what it is you have been trying to do.

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby Brian007 » 24 Aug 2017 07:34

Hi Hugh,

Backing tracks are a part of life now, more especially for solo artists in the clubs around here in the North East,
I have seen singers come and set up with nothing more than an Iphone which contained all their backing tracks

I know that some of the keyboard players in some of the groups use preprogrammed midi sequences in their performance
because its the only way they can achieve the sound they require, as today's music has become a lot more complex than it was in the past

On a personal level I think its down to the individual's own personal choice.

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Re: NoteStar software & Playing along with a Backing Track

Postby Hugh-AR » 24 Aug 2017 11:00

Some years ago I heard a piece of music that had been composed by a friend of my son. It was fabulous! So I said to him that I hadn't known that he played an arranger keyboard. He replied that he didn't play the kind of keyboard I was referring to at all! He had done the whole thing on his laptop with a 'QWERTY keyboard' and a mouse. It was then that I realised that being a musician isn't the prerogative of someone playing a musical instrument. If you have music in your head then you are a 'musician' whatever means you use to create it.

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